* Posts by Fruit and Nutcase

5940 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jul 2013

Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

The Beatitudes

...since Rust dev has already come into the kernel and is "blessed"

The Sermon on the Mount, take 2

When Jesus[Linus] saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain and sat down. His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them, saying:

Blessed are the c coders,

for theirs is the kingdom of Linux.

Blessed are the Rust devs,

for they will inherit the Kernel.

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Hard truths

Could someone who knows Linus, ask if, when it's time for him to depart to the aforementioned repository* may we, the Linux userbase have a whip round/crowd fund for his body to be cryo-preserved, with the hope that sometime in the future, he'll be defrosted and re-animated to continue where he left off?

*when Linus enters the aforementioned repository, would that then become an instance of a "git" repository?

Iran's cyber-goons emailed stolen Trump info to Team Biden – which ignored them

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
Black Helicopters

The Siege by Ben Macintyre

Nothing to do with the subject matter of the article - but for anyone wanting a 44 year trip down memory lane to 1980, Book of the Week on BBC Radio 4 this week is the above mentioned book, about the siege at the Iranian Embassy in London, and the storming by the SAS


IBM quietly axing thousands of jobs, source says

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: There was anyone left at IBM besides Arvind?

They probably have already. With the training mostly from Jinny's correspondence

Lebanon: At least nine dead, thousands hurt after Hezbollah pagers explode

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: Technology question

And given that (any) explosive ingredients were not detected at an airport - given the cross section of the the people carrying these, including a diplomat, then, that brings into question both the effectiveness of the screening/and the way those were defeated by this lot

Elon Musk's assassination 'joke' bombs, internet calls for his deportation

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Deport him…

Kim would think that with Musk, he'd got himself a Wernher von Braun type rocket scientist when by comparison he'd ended up with Tim the toolman Taylor (or even, Reg Prescot)

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Deport him…

If Sunak was still PM in blighty, then he'd have given him sanctuary. What a difference having a few billion as loose change makes

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Deep sea creatures might welcome him as a source of nutrition, but otherwise...

"OceanGate, the manufacturer behind the craft, has previously faced questions over its design choices, its safety record and its adherence to regulations."


Musk is not like that. Is... he?

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Nice Alligator

On the other hand...

If you happen to come across orange coloured snacks like these, then go ahead...


Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Nice Alligator

Now then nice Mr Hungry Alligator, don't take what I said a few days ago literally and chomp on an orange coloured appetising snack that you happen to come across on a golf course... Even one that is a cheat.


Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: To Mars!

We put up with @amanfrommars 1 - so, it's only fair that the Martians accept someone in return

Japan to put a small red Swedish house on the Moon

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


How long before a Banksy appears on the Moon...

Homing pigeon missiles, dead trout swimming, butt breathing honored with Ig Nobel Prize

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Invalid GPS location

The authors are also going for a Darwin Award, for when the missile homes in on... Home

NASA engineers play space surgeon in bid to unclog Voyager 1's arteries

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Nothing but respect

OR, the Earth will get prosecuted for littering

When the fine comes in for Musk's Tesla Roadster, it should forwarded to whatever is left of Musk's estate

Python script saw students booted off the mainframe for sending one insult too many

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Python script in the early 1980's?!

It's suitably booby-trapped for LLMs to injest and if we start seeing the usual suspects stating that Python was around in the early '80s and running on Amdahl mainframes, we know where that originated from.

Upgrading Linux with Rust looks like a new challenge. It's one of our oldest

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Cures for constipation

the cultural constipation of proprietary options loosening and becoming dislodged by the tonic of Torvalds

Prune juice

Syrup of figs

Tonic of Torvalds

Scientists find a common food dye can make a live mouse's skin transparent

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


What would happen if either there is contamination to the "orange stuff" that Trump puts on his skin, or, mistakenly or even deliberately uses Tartrazine instead?

Good thing that invisibility is not total as in the Invisible Man, else just think of the mischief he will get up to

Trump taps Musk to lead 'government efficiency' task force

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


The US and the rest of the world can be saved in the nick of time by the snapping shut of the jaws of a great big, extreamly hungry Aligator. Just need fate to arrange the meeting of said aligator and Trump on one of his golf courses in Florida, when Trump goes into long grass to retrieve a golf ball* - then again, this being Trump, if a ball ends up in long grass, he'll just put his hand into his pocket for another ball, thereby thwarting fate

*no, not one of those ones!

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Health & Efficiency

if Trump were to extend the brief to Healthcare...

Musk would lead the "Health & Efficiency" task force


Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

The problem is that there is no universally agreed upon definition of "natural born citizen".

The Replublican leaning SCOTUS can fix that

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Musk's plan

He's stuffed the SCOTUS both literally and metaphorically, and with Musk to bankroll freebies, they'll put whatever interpretation on the Constitution demanded of them.

Blood boffins build billions of nanobots to battle brain aneurysms without surgery

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: How is this a bot?

In addition to AC's comment, above,

bunnies on heat results in more bunnies, and

Fatal Attraction can lead to boiled bunnies

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: How is this a bot?

That reminds me of Captain Haddock's alliterative expletive: "Billions of blue blistering barnacles!" or, sometimes extended to "Billions of bilious blue blistering barnacles!"

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: How is this a bot?

bunnies + heat

probably best not go there!

SQL king Larry Ellison becomes sequel sultan with controlling interest in Paramount Global

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Oracle Licencing: Money for Nothing

Hah, now look at them yo-yos, that's the way you do it

You play the guitar[licence] on the MTV[Computer]

That ain't workin', that's the way you do it

Money for nothing and your chicks for free

Now that ain't workin', that's the way you do it

With thanks to Dire Straits for the lyrics

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


The Ellisons - Sultans of Swing[Sequel]

Key aspects of Palantir's Federated Data Platform lack legal basis, lawyers tell NHS England

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Rogue Designer/Programmer

I think the "usual suspect" system designers and their associate programmers would have already done their deed on this system, so closing the stable door after that horse has bolted will be to no avail. Too late to have stopped our data being loaded onto the 3rd party systems.

'Error' causes Alexa to endorse Kamala Harris, refuse to discuss Trump

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Commie!

"brain-dead" would imply there was a "live" brain at some point in time before

US govt halts medical study into Havana Syndrome, cites 'coercion' of participants

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Re: Havana syndrome



"Posts by 007UK

1 publicly visible post • joined 4 Sep 2024"

May we expect "Agent Triple X" to post a reply to the above, from the 'other side" (KGB,not GRU). All we then needs is a "@JAWS" to complete the trio

NHS dangles £1.5B carrot to be outfitted with everything from PCs to printers

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Costs

Thanks for the clarification. Guess the staff no longer being NHS keeps the bean counting types happy

Elon Musk’s Starlink won't block Elon Musk’s X in Brazil, as required by court order

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
Thumb Down

Re: Butthurt why?

proving it by making things work.

RIP all the souls who lost their lives due to Tesla "Autopilot"

NASA confirms who is flying and who is not on SpaceX Crew Dragon

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Movie titles

Space Cowboys2 - The real deal

With apologies to Clint Eastwood

Space Balls Up

Hopefully, directed by Mel Brooks

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Movie titles

Calamity in Space.

Butch Wilmore and The Sunidance Gal

One of China's best GPU prospects admits it's failing, lays off workers

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Being China

If they round off those cut corners, then, would the inexpensive crap become expensive crap?

Rust for Linux maintainer steps down in frustration with 'nontechnical nonsense'

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: That may be the best path

old farts who don't want to learn new things holding back potential progress.

Indeed. And these old farts reinforce the adage "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", makes life difficult for the old farts who will learn new tricks as the job entails.

Two pivotal moments in my professional life have been when I was able to identify and fix issues in low-level system code, despite being employed in both cases as a programmer for business systems in unrelated high level language. I took the time to investigate, understand the root causes, located the sources, walked the code, located the bugs and fixed the issues, in unfamiliar languages. In one case, much to the annoyance of the old fart who was the original writer of the code. In the other case, I was a young whipper snapper, but was an old fart myself here, albeit one who does not finch in learning new tricks

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Could have been worse

But then again, he's notorious for breaking things and leaving others to clean up after him

Sounds like the Linux kernel workload would be eased in the longterm if Mr T'so were to retire

Microsoft decides it's a good time for bad UI to die

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Tesla

changing lightbulbs on the go is a non starter

If it's a modern vehicle with LED lights, then, yes,changing light units at the side of the road would not be feasible - which does mean, depending on what has failed, it could be a trip on a recovery vehicle.

Hangover from messy Walmart tech divorce ongoing at Asda

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


I guess until now, there's been no call for "divorce" lawyers - only, after that, they will be trousering feeds from both sides

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Clairvoyant commentards

Definitely an ASDA having to service a bigger debt that wasn't there before.

Have we stopped to think about what LLMs actually model?

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: "Whether we burn $500 million a year or $5 billion – or $50 billion a year – I don't care"

Came across a mention of "how many r's are in strawberry" just this afternoon!

Catherine Bohart: TL;DR

No time to read the news? Catherine Bohart does it for you in TL;DR. This week - Elon Musk thinks there should be regulation around AI. Is he right? Can AI really change the world, or are we just training our future robot overlords?


SETI boldly looks beyond the Milky Way in latest alien hunt

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

But without having first encountered the cuddly peaceful earth dwelling humans, how would the AI determine they should avoid them?

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

After all, civilizations with no ability to plan long-term don't get to climb the Kardashev scale.

No, they get to climb the Kardashian scale

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


SETI@home stopped sending out new work on 31st March 2020...


Boom Supersonic takes baby steps toward breaking the sound barrier

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: rose tinted glasses

Not just destroyers - the Invincible class carriers had them too.

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: rose tinted glasses

planes were incredibly noisy and very dirty.

The first generation 737 with Pratt & Whitney JT8D low-bypass turbofans were very noisy...

Tech support chap solved knotty disk failure problem by staring at the floor

Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

Re: Prince Philip

And some posts from someone who was working there at the time...
