I had to disable LinkScanner
For some reason, every time I brought up a Google search, it was causing Firefox to crash. Great fun, no?
7 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jul 2007
If you have kids who have a tendency to loose phones from time to time, a cheap, crappy phone like this is perfect-as long as they ring in under $30 or so, they're ideal. Couple months with basic texting, no MP3 music, no camera and they'll take AMAZING care of the next one, I promise.
Add me to the list of people who haven't had any problems with Vista. Running Home Premium and built the machine from scratch myself, the only issues I've had can be directly related to issues outside of MS control (ie: heat-my bad for not cleaning out the lint and cat hair in my heat sinks for six months, stupid of me, really).
I always thought XP was stable, but Vista showed me a whole new level of solid. These days I reboot on a bi-weekly basis, and that's just out of habit, really.
Then again, I seemed to avoid most of the complaints people had with Windows ME (had one system that ran regularly for about five years with it, still use it from time to time for DVR functions, though far less than I used to now that I got a decent one from my satellite provider).
I also do field tech support and the people who complain about Vista vs those who praise it are, by far, in the minority. The biggest complaint I hear is about the user control pop-ups (are you sure you want to do this? really really sure?).
Feel free to continue trying to slam Vista into 4 year old tech and complain about it not working, though. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my God Rays while I blast N. Koreans and alien monstrosities.
AT&T split up into the various Bell companies (who did local service) and AT&T (who did long distance). Twenty years later, the competition has gotten so prevalent that the Bells and AT&T were allowed to re-merge-and our prices are still dirt cheap.
Always found that merger ironic, but fun.