Re: Microsoft FAIL
Erm, you know that whole "TCO" marketing drive has been thoroughly debunked now?
344 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2013
>I'd like to reserve the right to try to have a serious discussion on matters MS and Linux related on the Register...
>I know, it's an aspiration, but this polarised tribalism really gets on my wick.
Yet you won't even post your little marketing burps without the cover of being AC. Please go away RICHTO. This endless whining hypocrisy is getting on MY wick.
I realise everyone needs to make a living but can't you find a more honest, respectable job suited to your particular talent? Lawyer, politician, used car salesman, telesales, insurance agent... there must be something out there for you.
Canonical is keeping schtum on the RAM and processor. Shuttleworth said instead his company would "benchmark the silicon as it comes out of the manufacturing process".
It also says:
We’ll protect that gorgeous display with something vastly tougher than glass: pure sapphire crystal, a material so hard only diamond could scratch it. For a phone to run a full desktop OS, it must have the raw power of a PC. We’ll choose the fastest available multi-core processor, at least 4GB of RAM and a massive 128GB of storage.
So that'll be "at least 4GB of RAM" then.
At last a "revolutionary new storage medium" which looks like it might actually be capable of producing backups/archives with a chance of outlasting the primary medium!!!!!!one!
...and fast too!
...and using cheap media! Lumps of common glass no less!
Absolutely fantastic! Wonder how it'll be done. Spinning glass cylinders with the read/write heads running along a track like the very early wax gramophones? Or thick discs more like contemporary stuff?
I hope I live to see something come of this!
I have a very strong suspicion that the wishes of the media corporations are to take a very distant second place on this one. A distant second behind compliance with D-notices and other such important matters of national security. You'll access what your government permits you to access and nothing more.
Nothing you can do about it. The fix is in.
What do you think it is the government *really* care about? *REALLY* care about... more than what you look at while you fiddle with yourself... more, even, than immense bungs from corporations... what's the one thing people in power care about most of all?
Not *completely* pointless.. Think of it more as a first step.. A toe-in for proper censorship.. Like the other media. Whitehall's wet dream.
Once in place, accepted but practically useless, what next? Must make it better. Think of the children. You're not a paedophile are you? It's a good first step but not perfect - must constantly work to improve and adapt it. Slip in a few little important and not-so-optional anti-terrorism extensions perhaps? Who could object to fighting terrorism? Then surely we must do something about " the paedophiles' " obscure anti-censorship tools?
I fear we've just started to slide down a very long and slippery slope.
I don't have any objection to this whole (optional) porn and violence filtering drive IN PRINCIPLE. Perhaps a bit surprisingly as I'm generally of a rather liberal bent. The old interwebs can be a bloody gruesome place and the IDEA of protecting the kiddywinks form the worst of it seems rather worthy. Bit of a bugger for the ISPs to achieve though, I'd imagine... and I rather hope that a bit of a bugger for the ISPs doesn't translate into a thumping great price hike for the poor plebs at the end of the wires who (always) pick up the tab.
I also can't imagine it being terribly effective.
So it'll all probably amount to nothing more than another ineffective PR stunt resulting in higher bills. Wicked.
I'm concerned there's something insidious and rather evil lurking behind these sort of initiatives though. Once in place, we're all protecting the children. Fine. As far as it goes. All optional, at the bill payer's discretion. Lovely jubblies. Then... oh noes!.. The wee rascals are being groomed into using anti-censorship tools to corrupt themselves. The poor wee souls are exposing themselves to filth and badthink despite our wholesome filtering. We must outlaw these obscure and depraved programs immediately. Think of the children.
Suddenly we're all trapped in Whitehall's walled garden nirvana and the government once more has full control of the public media. Just a couple of little twiddles with the not-so-optional "national security" bits of those child protecting filters....
According to analysis from Extreme Tech, one major smut site funnels out filth at a rate of 100 gigabytes per second, or 800Gbps. This means that the new underwater pipe could handle about 40 top-ranked grumble merchants at any given time. linked to this:
Perhaps this was the intended destination?..
I bet Paris Hilton knows a thing or two about distributing porn.
Curios thing is, this doesn't seem to be an attack against DES at all. It looks like (yet another) gimped protocol implementation. Not cryptography/cipher related at all really.
Makes me wonder:
1) Which brands of phone on which networks are programmed to give up their keys this readily.
2) Why not 3DES? Is it that only old (pre 3DES adoption) handsets do this?
Name & shame please!
Sorry DW, didn't mean to pull the rug out from under you, just had forgotten to mention AK's NSA angle!.. a bit rude I thought considering I'm replying to him!
Yes, really.
Are you seriously suggest that murder is a better approach to monopolism than a spot of remote and trivial (as you seem to consider it) FUD slinging? Haven't you any knowledge of how MS has operated throughout its history? It has phorm for exactly this sort of crap you know. Convictions.
Or is your argument that a giant software company which has spent the last decade hurling billions of bucks into desperate bids to muscle in on the mobile sector, with no significant success, couldn't have any interest in the (F)OSS "cancer" (as its CEO calls it) entering the market?
They've even fucked their current Windows (the family jewels) cycle in their desperate drive to shoehorn their userbase onto their cloudtastic vision of the future. Gimped it into some sort of me-too app based chimera of what iOS/Android does. Cloud based subscription services. Apps. That's how the others... the successful growing players are doing it. Subscription services are the only way MS has an consumer future. Make Windows like them. Lock mobile devices onto "Win"RT, its self locked onto the MS app store. Eureka!
Microsoft's traditional desktop stronghold is shrinking. Mobile is eating it alive. MS appears to have bet the farm on imitating the mobile incumbents. So far this has failed but it still seems to be plan A, B and C. MS hasn't got there yet but they're certainly still trying! They've got $billion writedown THIS QUARTER to show for it.
So the prospect of an OPEN mobile OS without the appstore-lockin mechanism becoming established in the sector BEFORE Microsoft makes any inroads couldn't threaten MS's me-too survival plan? The "cancer" COULD well be about to "disrupt" the mobile market, making Microsoft's heir apparent obsolete before it even takes hold. Ubuntu and Mozilla have been attracting significant interest within the industry and among the public. They have OEM and carrier outreach projects which seem to be attracting more interest than MS's! No one at MS could have noticed this? No one at MS could feel their plans for the future might be threatened by this? No one at MS might want to nip the cancer in the bud, before it infects the mobile sector? Pull the other one. They'd be negligent if they didn't. So what can MS do about this very real THREAT? Buy them out? That's always worked throughout MS's history, from the origins of DOS to present... not so great with (F)OSS "cancer" though, is it: You buy to smother, they fork and invest your beeelions into their new project. Bugger. So where does that leave MS? Well, they've always had one other tactic: FUD. So this can't possibly be FUD. How "paranoid". The pixies must have done it just for the lulz. The timing is just a coincidence. No possibility of any other explanation. We can all sleep safely in Stepmond again tonight.
Anyway, enough rambling on about the bleeding obvious. How is the suggestion that MS might be up to something underhanded even contentious these days, after 30 years of it?
I'm not posting as AC by the way. Not that AC anyway.
Interesting timing. Just as Ubuntu Phone seems (seemed?) to be starting to pick up some momentum...
The Forum isn't the only thing to have been taken down. The "Ubuntu Edge" countdown timer (which was to end TOMORROW) has disappeared from the homepage.
Coincidence? Course it is. There couldn't possibly be any possibility of any connection between "Sputn1k" and Redmond's (or Cupertino's) FUD dept... Could there?
Must. Destroy. Evil. Communist. GPL. Software. Cancer.
As for any possibility of any NSA interest... well, as we all know, the incumbents (Apple, Google & Microsoft) bend over backwards to give the NSA access to all our data. So clearly the NSA couldn't possibly have any interest at all in the possibility of some (F)OSS upstart upsetting the status quo.
So we're replacing 23 odd million gas meters at a cost of about £6bn to save £138m a year in manual meter reading and call centre and billing costs for incorrect bills.
I'm old enough to remember when Labour policy was to squander obscene sums of OUR money on demented schemes to artificially create jobs and thus keep people in work. Now instead they squander obscene sums of OUR money on demented schemes to artificially destroy jobs and thus put people out of work? I think, if I had to choose between the two, I prefer the old policy.
The whole world *knows* that US companies are passing *all* our data to the US goverment, for it to (ab)use however it deems fit. This knowledge is deterring us from using those NSA honeypots
The Digital Millennium Subterfuge Act 2013
Companies shall be permitted to annually publish anonymized surveillance statistics
Microogle Annual Surveillance Report
This year Microogle Corp. Inc. received 11 orders to disclose the data of US citizens and 39 orders to disclose data of foreign citizens. This resulting in the arrest of 29,375 terrorists and the prevention of 840 terrorist atrocities. [Honest. You can trust Microogle Corp. Inc. - we work for the NSA]
So it would appear that nobody wants a device locked onto running a hamstrung derivative of an OS which nobody wants.
Hooda thunked.
Perhaps MS should try putting out a few RTs loaded with Android. Just to test the market. They could even sell them a bit cheaper as they'd no longer have to waste resources pissing about with OSs.
As is "American* football."
*America being a pair of conjoined occidental continents. Canada being the American nation which spawned that rugby variant featuring forward passing and *lots* of little rest/doughnut breaks.
Did Canada invent all the "American" games?