The douche bags just want to be allowed to lie to us.
> LinkedIn has joined Yahoo! and Google in lobbying the US government to let it tell the public how many super-secret requests from spies it gets for user data.
Note, all this "lobbying" is for permission (which will, after a suitably convincing feigned tussle, be granted) and not for an obligation under law (which would necessitate accuracy - an idea as ridiculous as this whole charade)
> The career network said on Tuesday that it has filed a legal challenge with the US government to let it be *more* open about the number of spy requests...
There it is again... Just let us say *something* for PR purposes. The plebs are revolting.
> LinkedIn announced its attempt at broader disclosure alongside the publication of its semiannual Transparency Report.
PR newspeak.
> From January 1 to June 30 of this year, LinkedIn received 83 Government requests for user data, 70 of which came from the US and 4 from the UK. It provided data for 57 per cent of the US government requests, and none for those from the UK. This compares with 48 requests for user data in the second half of 2012, 67 in the first half, and 73 in the second half of 2011.
Perfect! To round it off, a propaganda splaff bearing uncanny resemblance to my prediction from July: ...could they be reading El Reg? ;o)