* Posts by Antonymous Coward

344 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2013


Euroboffins want EU to achieve techno-independence

Antonymous Coward
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"EuroCrypto and EuroCloud needed to protect local data"

As if CIA/NSA/GCHQ would *EVER* allow "EuroCrypto" to happen without "accidentally (honest)" botching it or vetoing it! lmao

It'll *NEVER* happen. *NOT* *EVER*

Still, I suppose it's better than nothing of them to make a bit more noise and perhaps focus a bit more attention to the problem. Perhaps Asia or somewhere will take up the challenge... they have already developed and introduced both CAMELLIA and ARIA after all; the two amusing and effective solutions to removing the SPOOKINESS from the NSA's pet AES without abandoning the useful and practically ubiquitous hw acceleration.

SpaceX in MONEY RING shot, no spare juice for tail backdown this time

Antonymous Coward

"Elon Musk's SpaceX in space race breakthrough"

Not having much luck spotting the "space race breakthrough" here either. It went a bit higher than *it* has previously? Is that the "space race breakthrough"?

Anyone else feeling clickbaited?

Microsoft's cash-leaking Nokia phones rip off patents, face import ban

Antonymous Coward
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Sauce for the goose...

Acer: 'We will be the last man standing in the PC industry'

Antonymous Coward
IT Angle

Re: Cloud Category?

Fine examples of hot air and nebulous marketing puff. Shirley "cloud" if anything is?

Looking for laxatives, miss? Shoppers stalked via smartphone Wi-Fi

Antonymous Coward

Re: Am I the only person in the world

"one with unlimited tethering option"

Who? Where? How much? Still accepting subscribers?... or are you one of the jammy s*ds who got on "the one plan"?

Antonymous Coward
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Re: What Stores....

Ahhh.... you've reminded me of the days when AMD (and Cyrix) were competitive and interesting progress made desktop processing exciting!...

Apple Watch RIPPED APART, its GUTS EXPOSED to hungry Vultures

Antonymous Coward
Paris Hilton

Despair? Fanbois? Really?

Gaze upon Cook's wristjob, ye fanbois, and despair ejaculate

Methinks you've simultaneously overestimated the sophistication and underestimated the devotion of the fanboisie there Reg.

Microsoft: Profit DECIMATED because you people aren't buying PCs

Antonymous Coward

Re: Guess what happens

"Microsoft keeps saying just wait for _________. You fill in the blank - I gave up keeping track."

How long have you been waiting?

Hang in there. I'm sure Windows __ will be everything you're hoping for...

"DOS being fairly cloned has had a dramatic impact on our pricing for DOS. I wonder if we would have it around 30-40% higher if it wasn't cloned. I bet we would!"

Bill Gates, 6th August 1989

"DOS remains the backbone though of both our software businesses. It is under extreme attack by high quality clones like DR DOS."

Bill Gates, 1st December 1989

"On the PR side, we have begun an 'aggressive leak campaign' for MS-DOS 5.0. The goal is to build anticipation for MS-DOS 5.0, and diffuse potential excitement/momentum from the DR DOS 5.0 announcement."

"DR DOS 5.0 Competitive Analysis," 2nd May 1990

"On the desktop, we have a strategic win today (monopoly). We must keep the desktop."

Microsoft Executive Staff Retreat, 10th May 1990

"There is an obvious conflict quickly approaching us, and I get the feeling we are not very prepared PR wise. The conflict is Windows 3.1 and DR-DOS. Apparently DRI is quite aware of our plans to not test with DR-DOS, our plan to not let them enter the Win 3.1 beta program, and our plan to detect the presence of MS-DOS and warn the user they are on an un-tested OS if MS-DOS is not detected."

David Cole, 7th November 1991

"What the guy is supposed to do is feel uncomfortable, and when he has bugs, suspect that the problem is dr-dos and then go out to buy ms-dos. or decide not to take the risk for all the other machines he has to buy for in the office."

Brad Silverberg, 10th February 1992

"the design preview has not leaked to the press are you surprised do you wish it would if so when"

Steve Ballmer, 9th June 1992

"Who at Microsoft gets up every morning thinking about how to compete with these guys in the short term -- specifically cut their revenue. Perhaps we need more focus on this. . . . "

Bill Gates, 21st July 1993

"WOW -- If you are REALLY still telling the field the RTM is Sept 30 -- and if you are REALLY serious -- we have a ton of work to do VERY fast?!! Is this just propaganda mail???"

Mike Appe, 7th April 1994

Antonymous Coward

Re: Be patient, it's coming!

"All Microsoft has to figure out is forcing users somehow to actually buy a PC even if they do not need/want it and, kerrr-ching!

That'll be the ENFORCED obsolescence (sabotage) mechanism now trundling towards W7 then. Vista and 8 being stillborn and 9 not happening at all, it's next stop "UEFI SecureBoot + Windows 10 + Windows App store + forced cloud + subscriptions = profit"

If hypervisor is commodity, why is VMware still on top?

Antonymous Coward

Re: "Wreck", "wrecking"

*PLEASE* stop feeding the RICHTO!

It was a good, informative, considered, helpful article. The Microsoft Corporation Inc. didn't "win" it. The RICHTO has been activated. Please don't feed it.

PS I don't think that even the gross and unforgivable crime against humanity of spawning and harbouring the RICHTO justifies this: "bizarre island of poncy gits with sticks up their pigus"

*PLEASE* stop feeding the RICHTO!

Antonymous Coward

Don't feed the RICHTO!

Got a Samsung Galaxy S5? Crooks can steal your fingerprint – claim

Antonymous Coward

Re: So who's bright idea was this?

Compliments of Google apparently. It's a flaw in Android <= 5.0 - which explains why the S6 (Android 5.0.2) isn't afflicted. Samsung just had the misfortune to be using the fingerprint facility of a borked Android release in the S5.


Love-rat fanboi left bobbing for Apples in tiny Japanese bath

Antonymous Coward

Re: Technically very interesting

How intriguingly similar to gremlins. A most interesting deduction.

As for the scum, I believe that's almost ubiquitously associated from around the time of purchase. Perhaps the proliferation attracts more?

Antonymous Coward

Holy Shit! So much Holy Shit!

Suppose she had to defend herself from the likelihood of the slimy toad splaffing "revenge porn" all over the interwebs... once splaffed, can never be unsplaffed. It was the ONLY way to be sure!

Google versus the EU: Sigh. You can't exploit a contestable monopoly

Antonymous Coward

Re: So....

"They got in trouble for using their (fairly won) OS monopoly..."


FAIRLY WON???? Citation needed!.. Please don't forget to include comprehensive references to at least (in no particular order): Digital Research, FUD, OS2, kernel obfuscation, HIMEM, undocumented ("illegal") opcodes, Lotus, United States v. Microsoft Corp., Wordperfect...

Apple will cut down 36,000 acres of forest in 'conservation scheme'

Antonymous Coward

Re: Trees are a crop

Cutting down dead trees is bad. Just ask a woodpecker.

More of the "I can improve it by messing with it" delusion which pervades those utterly brainless do-gooder types.

Antonymous Coward

Forestry != woodland

I know Apple Inc. deserves a good bashing (on many accounts) but Shirley this is an exception? After all, The Precious Shiny must be packed in something to keep it, erm... shiny... en route to the breathless fanboisie.

JavaScript CPU cache snooper tells crooks EVERYTHING you do online

Antonymous Coward

Re: And Another Thing


The most eminently diligent python-wrangling boff has already considered VMs:

“Our attack, which is an extension of the last-level cache attacks of (Adelaide University's) Yuva Yarom, allows a remote adversary recover information belonging to other processes, other users and even other virtual machines running on the same physical host as the victim web browser.”

Huawei P8: Chinese mobes have arrived and the West should tremble

Antonymous Coward

Re: Who are we?

Very droll. Except that isn't how it's pronounced :-|

Antonymous Coward

Re: 2680mAh battery


Glued in place for your pleasure.


'Arkansas cops tried to hack me with malware-ridden hard drive'

Antonymous Coward
Big Brother

Re: trust

Well, fraud would seem to have a place on that list.

It seems that in "the new world order" laws are for us not them.

Rand Paul puts Hillary Clinton's hard drive on sale

Antonymous Coward

Oh hell, just when I thought all that NAStiness was over.

Antonymous Coward

That was PATAhetic!

NSA: 'Back doors are a bad idea, give us a FRONT door key'

Antonymous Coward
Big Brother

Re: Github

If it's a modified GnuPG they're using then I hope they've spotted the booby-trap.

Strange radio telescope signals came from microwave ovens

Antonymous Coward

Re: Diet change

"turn the kitchen/lunch room area where the microwaves are into a Faraday cage."

Sort of like a gigantic microwave oven then? Containing a smattering of boffins and a questionably controlled magnetron. Cool! Think I once saw the same sort of setup in a film.

Antonymous Coward

Am I the only one thinking that it sounds like a boff or two is in the habit of popping the door open while the thing's running, relying on the safety cut-off as an instant(ish) "off"?

Naughty boff.

Don't forget the safety specs when handling hot cupasoups --->

Videogame publishers to fans: Oi, stop resurrecting our dead titles online

Antonymous Coward

Re: very fair and balanced

Quite sure BriceP isn't the only one who "gets it." What I'm not so sure about is the wisdom of applying that shoe to the groin of the Commentarderate Soviet. Even by "proxy."

As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

Sauce for the goose...

What goes around...


Antonymous Coward

Re: Orphan works?

Only if you're a corporation and the (former) "owner" is a mere pleb, certainly not the other way around, as I understand it.

Antonymous Coward

Re: very fair and balanced

Furthermore, commercially-sponsored "online magazine" The Register...

" ...arguing that such an exemption under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act would amount to piracy."

...hereby informs you that you're all shameless terrorist pirates.

You should all be hanged. Slaughtering honest god-fearing mariner folk like this just to "steal" their "intellectual property". You disgust me. It's an absolute scandal. Shame on you all.

US govt bans Intel from selling chips to China's supercomputer boffins

Antonymous Coward

Re: Oh dear

"China retaliates and brings out awesome chips, as fast (or faster) than Intel, in both the server and consumer market, for 1/2 the price... "

...but without Intel® AMT/vPro™, the CIA/NSA's "magic screwdrivers", etc. presumably. More of the "blowback" they're referring to? Awesome. Can't come fast enough.

Antonymous Coward

Re: WTF?


What the hell are you doing here?

You don't belong here,

you don't belong here....

Eyes on the prize: Ten 23-24-inch monitors for under £150

Antonymous Coward

Re: is £150 really a bargain

Tellies. Small, cheap tellies. "Full HD" = Telly.

Saudis go ape, detain Swedish monkeys at border

Antonymous Coward

Re: Finally...

Eh? Splaffing up a black macaque's selfie to illustrate a story about pygmy marmosets? How on earth do you define "decent"?

Or did you perhaps mean to comment on this article: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/10/apple_phantom_attack_ios_fix/?


Who is the fastest-selling phone maker of ALL TIME? Samsung? Apple? No, it's Xiaomi

Antonymous Coward
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Re: But are they real sales ?

PWC say so... which is fun as it not only affirms their own claim, but publicly and conspicuously pisses all over Apple Inc.'s sham frenzy fiascos staged so depressingly regularly to "wow" the press and others of feeble mind.

Antonymous Coward

Re: How much extortion tax is due?

No extortion tax is due. In fact, extortion tax is never due: by definition. It is extorted by menaces. Companies with significant interests in USA feel compelled to pay up for fear of being hauled into Texas for ritual public mugging by a mob of flag waving xenophobic plebs. Xiaomi (some may say wisely) has ignored the US and seems to be doing perfectly well, thank you. Still PLENTY of room to expand in Asia alone, then there are the the as yet unserviced markets of Europe, S. America, Canada, Mexico, Africa... Why piss about with the US?

Drill, baby, drill: HIDDEN glaciers ON MARS hold 150bn cubic metres of precious frozen WATER

Antonymous Coward

Excessively great expectations?

Methinks hoping for chemical analysis from interpretation of RADAR data obtained from orbit might be a tad... optimistic?

Obviously it would be nice to know what it could be contaminated with but discoveries like this - actual, real, quantitative data, that we didn't all know already and not just whimsical press-orientated speculation is greatly appreciated by this commentard. Pint of purest Eau de Mars raised to the boffs --------->

As for the contaminants, I imagine a simple solar still would work extremely efficiently in the Martian environment... so rogue minerals shouldn't pose too much of a problem...

Pro-tip: Steal a TARDIS to survive Windows Server preview death

Antonymous Coward

Re: Future plans?

amanfrommars? Is that you?

Streak life: Oz woman flashes boobs at Google Street View car

Antonymous Coward

Re: Naked he-boobies legal. Naked she-boobies not. Explain.


Erm... not all the pics at that URL are exactly "clothed"! Thanks for finding the original google image though... inquiring minds...

Torvalds' temptress comes of age: Xfce 4.12 hits the streets

Antonymous Coward

Re: Mmmm choice

Nailed it!

Antonymous Coward
Thumb Up

Re: just works

+2 on xfce being best suited to the more confident penguinista.

I've found that the sort of MS exiles who need pointing seem to feel particularly comfortable with LXDE so I tend to point them towards Lubuntu, with consistently favourable results.

(The ones who don't "need pointing" tend to automatically gravitate towards KDE)

Google takes ARC Welder to Android, grafts on Windows, OS X

Antonymous Coward

Re: Native Client - NaCl

"Bitter and corrosive"

Clearly not a reference to salt. Perhaps RICHTO was referring to himself or MSFT there?

Samsung forgets fingerprints, focuses its eye on YOURS

Antonymous Coward

Re: 1000x more secure my ass

" Yeah, because you can get an image with high enough resolution of the iris. "

Well done! You read the link I gave you. Good lad!

" As for which one is more secure a 4 digit pin, that anyone standing in the bus/tube/train near you can see, or your fingerprint/iris, i think we all know the answer. "


All but one of us. Still. Sadly.

Antonymous Coward

Re: I see...

"Neither method is 100% secure, one of them is far more convenient (and probably more secure) for the 80% of the people, can you guess which one?"

No need to guess (thanks) but you clearly need to read on...

One of your "methods" is 0% secure. One of your "methods" is your identity and not a password. These two things are different - one of them is not secret. "can you guess which one?" Is your hair colour a password? If I don an appropriate wig do I become you? Hair colour is (a factor of) your identity not your password. It is not secret.

If you insist on considering your physical attributes, such as iris pattern, to be your password, then just remember you should: Use a different iris for every device/account (in case one is insecure/malicious/etc), change it regularly (every few months should suffice), never get photographed - or you'll have to go 'round changing all your irises (what a chore that'd be), and so on...

Sorry if the beginning of my splaff seemed somewhat cryptic, it's the title of a nice little deconstruction of your misconception: http://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/Fahrplan/system/attachments/2573/original/congress2014.pdf. I'd meant to find an English translation to link to but got bored looking for one and gave up. Don't worry if your German isn't up to much - it's a slide presentation so should be easy enough to follow.

These days some people actually seem to be using their phones for stuff they actually might want to keep actually secure. Online banking, payments and other fappenings, for example. Not using a password is certainly more convenient than using one. If you don't want one don't use one. No problem! ...but why pretend that an ID is a password? That would be an almost criminally malicious deception. You may not know any better but Samsung should certainly know better... especially if there's any truth to the rumours regarding them Blackberry and a move into more... secure devices.

Oh... and you'll need to be be extra careful of your eyes. Obviously! --------->

Antonymous Coward

I see...

Therefore I am... You.

I wish the mobe industry could see too. "Biometrics"... all "biometrics"... are IDs not passwords. FFS!

This is what happens when a judge in New York orders an e-hit on a Chinese software biz

Antonymous Coward

Re: Streisand effect

To be fair, the judge didn't contrive the law. May well be just as dismayed as the rest of us by the shameless displays of disingenuous corruption from his political masters. It's the system and specifically the politicians who manage the system that was supposed to manage them who are to blame. The poor judge is just a patsy stuck up there in front of everyone to meter out the politicians' whim.

Must confess that I’m also thoroughly enjoying the little demonstration of the Streisand effect. Hope http://www.dvdfab.cn/passkey-for-blu-ray.htm are making a tidy $um from it too.


Microsoft enlists web security pariah Adobe to help build Internet Explorer-killer Spartan

Antonymous Coward

Re: The Photoshop giant's doing the pretty bits, not the secure bits

Don't worry, font rendering is only a "pretty bit." Completely harmless. MSFT didn't really incorporate it into Windows' kernel. Nothing to see here. Move along...

Déjà vu?
