12 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jul 2013
Could you put it in the case the other way round?
There is no such thing as 'too much' Roald Dahl!
This discussion does make me wonder, why don't The Avengers put some adverts on the side of The Incredible Hulk? He is after all a massive Banner!
The Count of Monte Cristo
It might be a bit chilly, but 225kg is quite easily a person. Who needs a taxi?
Sounds like a ROUS to me!
Close, but Tobermory isn't an island, it is a town on the Isle of Mull.
Maybe he was afraid it might get loost!
Would that be to get into secretive organisations - as a mole?
I so hoped it would be a HTC Hero, just because of the name!
Hang on! Someone just admitted they were wrong on the internet - isn't that supposed to herald the coming apocalypse or something?
Maybe this is Google's way of fighting back against these peddlers of illegal wares.
Presumably every eyeball on the advert costs the advertiser money, so Google is taking that money away from the bad guys!