Shirley you can't....
What a pisser!
Looks like I picked a hellava week to quit updates...
14 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2013
Just a small point, the Cobalt is not in Newcastle. It's in North Tyneside,
Different local authority to Newcastle City Council, different MP and about 9 miles away. Apart from that, not bad geography for a Southerner..
It's right next to the old site of the Siemens Chip Plant A complete farce, but that's a story for another day. ( There's your I.T. Angle )
Also on the site is a big data centre,-1.5011163,3a,75y,219.29h,83.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJ1vtom__B9stpe2RZ7mr4g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 ( Another I.T. Angle ) that apparently local footballers invested into. Couldn't possibly comment on the tax implications.
Segwaying (sp?) nicely into your bit about Viz Comic and Farcebook: From Roger's Profanisaurus 3rd Edition
" She took me all the way to the Billy Mill roundabout!" Said roundabout is about 2 mins drive from Cobalt.
It's also very close to the mouth of the River Tyne & a monument to Lord Collingwood, who some argue actually won The Battle of Trafalgar, as Nelson had taken an early bath.
Finally & best of all, it's very close to HITS Towers. About 5-8 mins away or an hour if you drive past as everyone who works at Cobalt leaves.
Can't speak for QNAP but I'm huge fan of Synology, agree they're not cheap but by and large they do 'just work' and are very reliable, unlike W.D RED HDD ( story for another day ).
The 2 & 4 bay versions are ideal for micro SME's who need basic sharing, remote access but not much more.
The main thing for me is Synology support is excellent. Speak loads to their U.K. tech team who go out of their way to be helpful.
Compared to some of the I.T. manufacture support teams I've spoken to over the years, the Synology chimps are the best.
That's kind of what you are paying for and the time saved, especially when on site with a cross customer who wants the earth for nothing..
Recently re-read Going Postal by Terry Prattchet, ( if you haven't read it, you should, even if you've only got a passing interest in I.T. But why would you be here if you weren't interested in the cut and thrust world of I.T.? I digress... ) he got it totally spot on.
You could show it to the board of directors ( insert name of crappy ISP here ) but I suspect they'd think it's a guide, not a satire. Some of the phrases used in G.P. are near identical to EE spokesdroid.
P.S. SKY T.V. made a not bad TV film version a couple of years ago but the book is far superior.
but where do things stand if said Tweet/Blog/ ( insert soshul meja thingy ) comment is from abroad?
For example: If person A in America Tweets something the Old Baily is not best pleased about and I happen to be following them but do NOT ReTweet, I'm assuming nothing will happen. But I will still know what I'm not supposed to know. You know what I mean?
If I tweet a link to a website outside ( but do not comment at all about ) the UK/EU containing content that would make a Judge burn his wig, what then? Would it be the same if CNN broadcast a name in a news report and I happen to have that as part of my TV package? CNN are in U.S jurisdiction.
I'm confused.
that actually makes me ashamed to be connected to the I.T. industry and the public sector. It's huge mismanagement, enjoying the gravy train too much and general incompetence all round.
The best of it is, no one will carry any form of can over this ( no blame culture ) and no real lessons will be learned. It's not as though there's not enough precedence, NIRS2 springs to mind.
Oh, and we have to fork over the money and just put up with it.
You're right about the Hooded Claw trying to get our beloved Penelope. I could be wrong here, but I seem to recall the 'friend' was her lawyer trying to get his hand on her fortune. The Ant Hill Mob was there to protect her.
A quick trip to IMDB has just confirmed the ol' marbles are basically intact for the mo.
What were we talking about?