Ayn Rand and the world you want
The intelligent position is that the country ought to be run as a functioning SYSTEM rather than as a permanently-unstable, vicious jungle based on people fighting, duplicating efforts, treating customers as rubes to be fooled, and sabotaging each other on Amazon reviews.
Crazy homeless people shouldn't wander through our cities talking to themselves. Old people shouldn't have to eat dog food because their pension was stolen by the rich guy who owns the company. Little kids shouldn't suffer and die from easily preventable diseases. No child should be denied a free, quality education. But all these things are okay with you. Multimillionaires paying a smaller tax rate than everyone else is still "socialist looting" to you. Look up "market failure" in Wikipedia. It's the filthy secret that you crapitalists sweep under the rug.
The rich aren't Noble Creators of Value like Howard Roark, they're parasitic billionaires who buy undervalued businesses, fire all the employees, destroy the company, and absorb the worth of the wreckage. They didn't produce wealth; they stole it from everyone else and destroyed lives while producing exactly NOTHING. When the hardworking people who lost their jobs can't pay rent and are thrown out in the street, that's OKAY with you because it's all "free enterprise."
Businessmen are not Hank Rearden, Wealth-Producing Captains of Industry, they're the Worldcom and Enron scum who lie to their shareholders, employees, and customers as their mismanaged empire collapses. They're the S&Ls who knowingly make bad loans which they sell to the government. They're the Wall Street coke-heads who gamble away the entire U.S. economy through their psychotic greed and plunge the whole world into economic ruin. They're the companies that conspire together to keep prices high rather than compete. They're McDonalds buying the Roy Rogers chain so they can close all the stores and deny everyone real roast beef sandwiches at the same price as McDonalds' horse meat. They're the drug companies that charge Americans three times as much as Canadians because they bribe politicians. Galt's Gulch is where banks fu ck up, then suddenly become socialists with their hands out for free money which they stuff in their pockets as million-dollar bonuses for doing such a good job.
That's your "free enterprise."
Innovation? Bill Gates is a nice guy, but he didn't do anything worth 50 thousand million dollars. He just bought an operating system from someone else and licensed it to IBM right before the microprocessor explosion, which he did nothing to cause. It was one contract and LUCK. But Gates could walk from Redmond to Miami, laying dollar bills end-to-end, then turn around and walk back, laying down TEN dollar bills. This, while little kids go to school hungry every morning and old people freeze to death.
If the government hadn't made Ford and GM install seat belts and safety glass, there still wouldn't be any today. People die horribly because a drunk hits them head-on? You don't care, because selfishness is a virtue!
No, ruthless, selfish, Gordon Gecko lizard Ferengi, greed is NOT "good." COMPASSION is good. Helping feeble old people is good. Basic science research is good. Public libraries are good. Exploring space is good. Providing medicine for suffering crazy people is good.
Preventing mass disease is good. Emergency rooms that don't turn anyone away are good. Public education is good.
Single-source neighborhood trash pickup with standardized bins is cheaper, more efficient, and less disruptive of the neighborhood than making everyone find their own (or failing to). But it's socialist interference with citizens who pay more but are FREE to live with loud trucks every day and festering trash strewn everywhere from dented, uncovered garbage cans.
Taxpayer-financed free highways are MUCH easier for drivers, and cheaper since there is no toll infrastructure to continuously pay for and no rich guy pocketing the unnecessary tolls for all eternity. But if you had your way, all land would be privately owned with a toll booth at every corner. That happens when you fail to operating the system as a system.
Extorting $80,000 for the shot that cures fatal Hepatitis C is bad. A government lab should have created the cure and given it to everyone with the disease. That's running the country as a coherent SYSTEM rather than letting everything fall into the polluted, chaotic suffering of economic fistfights, where the goal is to make the cheapest, sleaziest products you can, then snatch every single dollar you see from everyone you can strongarm, fool or extort.
People like you want to make the country like in Soylent Green. That's perfectly okay with you and your friends, as long as your house has an electric fence and someone keeps you in strawberries.
You, greed, and crapitalism are EVIL; and society is evolving away from it. Ayn Rand told her followers to smoke because it symbolizes man's conquering of nature (fire). She said that all that "cancer" stuff was lying government propaganda to scare voters and senators into passing socialized medicine (Medicare). She died a bitter, angry old woman, alone in her apartment, of lung cancer.
Ayn Rand was WRONG, and now, you're wrong.
Hurry up and die, pig.
--faye kane ♀ girl brain