* Posts by Greggles

25 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2013

New Mars rover is GO for 2020 says NASA


The simple answer is because it's way cheaper to do way more science way faster on mars than Pluto and beyond. New Horizons was a glorified drive by because to slow down enough to do an extended survey would have required an immense amount of fuel or to travel there so slowly that the original planners of the mission would be retired or dead by the time it arrived. Mars is close so we can send satellites for a communications infrastructure and a plethora of different probes and landers at "relatively" low cost increasing our knowledge of extra terrestrial science lowering the cost and increasing the effectiveness of future trips further out.

GM crops are good for you and the planet, reckon boffins


Your reasoning here seems inconsistent. Working on the assumption that the US gov is being controlled by corporate overlords and is told what stance to take on any important topic by those with the most money, wouldn't the petrochemical companies who are the richest and most influential groups in the world tell the gov't to say AGW isn't real? If this organization is willing to release findings that damage the biggest companies in the world I'm inclined to believe their claims that GM foods aren't directly harmful to human health. The ethical use of such products of course being a different matter entirely.

Swiss try to wind up Apple with $25k dumb-watch


Re: Dumb Watch?

A perfectly acceptable digital watch costs less than $20 and requires absolutely no attention for several years, your mechanical watch costs thousands of dollars and require attention every few days, very little admittedly but time nonetheless. Are those 4 1/2 minutes really worth thousands of dollars? Especially considering the cumulative time spent winding which most definitely exceeded 4 1/2 minutes, assuming you never took it off for any extended period of time or simply neglected to wind the thing and had to reset the time anyway. There's absolutely no shame in admitting you wear something flashy to flaunt your wealth, quite the opposite in fact as many, myself included, cannot afford such luxuriant items, but quit pretending that time keeping is the primary job of a high end watch.

Periodic table enjoys elemental engorgement


Anything's edible if you're brave.

Sorry, Californians, you can't have this: Asus to build WATER COOLED notebook


Re: What's water-cooled?

Alienware has a product like this available now, though not water cooled, an external dock to improve graphics.

US to stage F-35-versus-Warthog bake-off in 2018


Re: versus?

Yes, it would definitely be better to send in ground troops who would inevitably suffer casualties to these scenarios because it would be cheaper, than to send in a $125,000 missile. Especially when SGLI is now $400,000 and costs an entire family an unforgettable tragedy.

Microsoft will explain only 'significant' Windows 10 updates


Re: @Mark 85 The seem to be going in an unsavory direction...

So basically, Linux would be way better if it weren't for all those damned users wanting to... use their computers for anything remotely popular. Have you tried explaining to her that Linux allows her to do a bunch of stuff the average user has absolutely no interest in while losing highly desired abilities? I'm not defending MS and their absolute shit new policy, but touting Linux as the fix to their corporate evil has been done to death and gets no further than it ever does, which is that even those with your expertise have windows machines running in their homes.

First SPACE SALAD on Monday's menu for ISS astronauts


Re: The Starship Enterprise did not grow its own food

Officially it was the airponics bay, though internet arguments seem to suggest it was both.

Google I/O FORTRESS: Sold-out dev conference is in LOCKDOWN


Re: Roll Up! Roll up!...

It's a Google event, absolutely everybody there who cares to have your information already has it. If this comes as any sort of surprise then why are you spending $900 to attend an event for a company you've clearly never heard of before?

HBO shocks US pay TV world: We're down with OTT. Netflix says, 'Gee'


Re: Unbundling required in the US

No, there is almost never an alternative in most of the US, in some more forward thinking areas oddly enough like Tennessee Kansas there are, but in most areas there is only one choice. And this has been made possible by the various city governments taking bribes to allow absolutely no competition. I live in Los Angeles and our government sold us like cattle to Time Warner and we have but one real option, nobody else is allowed to install their lines so everyone gets stuck with them. And even where it might be allowed all the bigger companies make no secret of being very amicable about not competing, it’s much more profitable to engage in price fixing than trying to offer a better value than the other guy.

City hidden beneath England's Stonehenge had HUMAN ABATTOIR. And a pub


Re: Those that do not know History, are doomed to repeat it.

Yes, the winners are usually the only ones left alive, or not exiled, to write the history books. And absolutely every last nation in existence has done it to varying degrees of success. Yes the American founding fathers can be looked at as a bunch of tax dodging bootleggers who managed to hold out longer than the financially distressed English government could before cutting their losses, but what in the world does that have to do with buried English artifacts from thousands of years prior to the European discovery of the American continents?

China building SUPERSONIC SUBMARINE that travels in a BUBBLE


Re: colour me cynical...

And is a nuke really necessary? Wouldn’t a couple of well aimed depth charges filled with Dawn dish soap work just as well?

Boffins build CYBORG-MOTHRA but not for evil: For search & rescue


A possible mind to machine interface allowing those with ruined bodies to communicate with the outside world and quite possibly experience sensations that would be impossible for them today and instead of these ridiculous “ice bucket challenges” actually do something about diseases like ALS or spinal injuries. And of course the enslavement of higher order animals like bomb diffusing dolphins, or recently deceased marines being used as an auxiliary division of zombie soldiers following absolutely any order without the slightest bit of humanity to stop them from massacring whomever is considered politically expendable.


Re: ..paved with good intentions..

So we are to abandon research that can possibly be used for evil?

Well I guess we would be much better off without nuclear power as that has been abused. Explosives, nope, to hell with all the good they've done as far as civil engineering and mining. Magnets, the compass is awful handy but we shouldn't know anything about those terrible things lest someone perfect that rail gun technology. Hempen rope, no sir, way too easy to affix a sharp rock to a stick with that evil stuff.

Technology is not inherently good or bad, it just matters what people wish to do with it. Don’t attack scientists for pushing boundaries and furthering the scope of human understanding, attack dirty politicians who pervert said technology for selfish and stupid ends.

Cave pits, ideal for human bases, FOUND ON MOON


Re: Probably not that big a probe needed

Probably not, he’s an outspoken opponent of any manned space exploration. Yes, a man who has for all intents and purposes been to space, and is only a widely known name because of manned space programs and their resultant technologies, uses said celebrity status to bash manned space flight.

Tesla trademark spat threatens Musk's China dream


According to the article provided by the AC earlier, he's done this with multiple western companies, probably just sitting on them like all trolls until they try to expand to China. There are coincidences in the world, but not that big.

NASA: Satellite which will end man-made CO2 debate in orbit at last


Re: Well done NASA!

Thank you for the only on topic comment here! Hooray for all the scientists and engineers behind the cool rockets and amazing satellites with capabilities that would have impressed even the likes of Jules Verne.

US Supreme Court: Duh, obviously cops need a warrant to search mobes


Re: Two terrorists just...

Exactly! I downvoted him too because I heard the department of homeland security and the NSA both ask Dan what his thoughts on how they should treat foreigners and he was the one to tell them to treat them all like criminals, it was all his idea. Shame on you Dan! Shame on you!

Now we're cookin' on gas: Google crafts sugar-alert contact lens for diabetics


Hey now, just a minute, Mexico now has recently overtaken us as the most obese country. So I'll thank you to refer to it as the Mexican obesity crisis from here on.

Google stabs Wikipedia in the front


Re: Is it a real problem for Wikipedia?

Untrue sir! Bing is by far the superior search engine for pr0n. In fact practically anything I search for on Bing pops up something naughty on the first page.

Boffins lay bare exotic Lara Croft meteorite element ununpentium


Of course, everybody knows the best environment for creating exotic and useful materials is to forge them in the heart of a dying star, so we'll just have to set up shop next to one of those and we'll be set!

Russian cargo ship drops off spacesuit puncture repair kit at the ISS


Re: The CO2 problem interests me

Honestly the O2 generator is rarely used, at least on a 688. They more often burn O2 candles which are leftovers from the early days of coal mining. The O2 generators are generally seen as unsafe and unreliable, nicknamed “the bomb” and located directly under crews mess, having only seen it run on a small handful of occasions (probably less than 6 times) in a 5 year period vs. routine use of the O2 candles, though I would hope newer boats use better tech than that.

Only 1 in 5 Americans believe in pure evolution – and that's an upswing


Re: Theocracy Now

"Sounds like 80% of yanks are retarded; the other 20% seem ok."

Finally! Someone gets us! Though to be fair 20% may be a bit generous.

Paypal makes man 1000x as rich as the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE


Re: Are you telling me...

To all of the comments about how popular british sports are around the world, while entirely correct, you did have the , what some would call unfair, advantage of owning most of the world at one point or another, and the people there kind of just got told that this was their new favorite sport.

And to all the US bashing, if we really want to delve in to 200 year old crimes I don't think any country is going to come out of that one smelling like a rose, so calm down, have a beer and remember this was supposed to be a funny story about a company making the biggest banking error in anyones favor ever

Jiggy Pennsylvania couple busted by 25 bike cops


Re: Frankly ...

The only problem with that is it only takes one of those 25 cops to complain later that a crime (technically that was, no matter how ridiculous) was witnessed and nobody did anything about it, and there's always that one guy