Re: The problem he has..
Exactly, although there are 'people' out there who think the US are not bothered by him *cough* CIA astroturfers *cough*
38 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2013
Smart meters being used to better gauge your electricity usage is a Trojan horse to eventually cut you off during peak hours if they deem you to be using too much electricity; If you don't mind this, then do carry on believing the propaganda, the rest of us won't care and will actively refuse their installation.
"Organizations like the BBC already do geolocation on IP addresses to filter non-UK traffic. It surely can't be beyond the ability of their IT staff to get the ranges of IP addresses used by the major "VPN to bypass copyright" providers, and just blacklist them as well? Target the people that they know are facilitating piracy, rather than target everyone who might be doing it and require them to prove they aren't."
This is exactly what they should be doing, they should just whitelist all residential IP address ranges and block all others as suspicious get around methods.
Outlawing VPNs is beyond stupid and is something the RIAA would suggest. But then again the RIAA would strongly suggest the entire internet be shut down to save their dinosaur business, even though you have reverted mankind back to circa 1980s.
They may not care, but their data sorting and categorization sucks, especially if they cannot thwart any recent terrorist plots. I am wondering how many NSA/GCHQ astroturfers are voting posts like mine down because it goes against their agenda. Thought so.
<blockquote>I prefer option 3:
3) Be like George R R Martin and do all of his work on a computer not connected to the internet.</blockquote>
@Brewster's Angle Grinder
Why would I be another Eadon? Care to elaborate on that one? He spammed every forum topic with Windows related posts, I haven't but feel free to look through my history if you don't believe me.
@Andrew Fernie
"to make simplistic blanket statements regarding the ease of upgrading from 2003 to 2012, is very, very relevant."
Well, okay I did rather forget to mention I haven't tried Server 2012 yet so I was better off reserving comment, sorry about that. Was going from previous history which tripped me up somewhat.
"Sounds like a recommendation to me, a blithe, casual one."
Well okay then point taken, as I haven't tried Apple's offering either, but the Linux option still stands, and I fully recognise the time and effort to migrate so you'd need to calculate wherever it's worth it in contrast to the license asking price.
"Well seeing as IOS is the OS of iPads and iPhones it would be obvious that someone would get that impression."
People like you maybe, I couldn't remember the true name of the OS and you have to look for a strawman.
"Unless you are talking about switch and router operating systems from Cisco?"
"Other than that I would say your game involves a basement in your parent's house."
Obvious troll posting as AC.
"What game would that be? It can't be System Administration on any scale with 'advice' like that."
Oh nice, ad hominem when you haven't got a valid argument.
"Ah, sorry. that game; trolling."
I see, you like the game of ad hominem, see above.
"Would that be OS X 'Server' which you can buy from the Apple App Store for the princely sum of £13.99 versus a previous price tag of 20 times more for the Snow Leopard version, and which Apple at one point considered simply giving away because nobody was buying it? That provides an interesting statement of faith in its own product from Apple. Apparently OS X Server is 'is perfect for a small studio, business or school'. I'm sure there are exceptions but it seems generally unlikely to be gracing the server racks of anything larger in the future."
I suggested it exists, not that I recommend it, big difference really. But I forgot, even pointing something out gets you flame warriors around here.
"Application availability. Several of our key applications just won't run on Server 2012 = Yes they do, you just need server editions of said programs (or apps as you kids say)."
Let's see, what programs refuse to run on this new OS? considering I've been in this game for years, nothing much would be preventing it unless we're talking about a difference akin to NT4 vs 9x
Chances are, you haven't altered the security policies of said machine, otherwise you wouldn't be posting what you did.
"Linux is not an option either as good portions of the ancillary apps use .NET classes that are not in Mono."
Now you're going insane, why would you use something with .NET, seriously? MySQL is understandable but .NET, man I want some of what YOU are smoking.
"If you think that iOS is a server OS then can I please have some of what you are smoking?"
People can and do use iOS on servers, I am not talking about iPhone or iPad iOS here even though you might get that impression /facepalm.
Server 2012 License price rises = Avoid or go Linux / *BSD / iOS
Server 2012 is Windows 8.x without TIFKAM/Metro/Modern (nuff said) = all the better, hardly anyone likes that crap anyway.
Application availability. Several of our key applications just won't run on Server 2012 = Yes they do, you just need server editions of said programs (or apps as you kids say).
Server 2008 is just about possible = Server 2008 is based on Vista whilst Server 2008 R2 is based on Win7.
"You can't deny the government what they ask for. Their requests are backed by court order and refusing it just sends people to jail and has the government bring in their own staff to get what they want. It's simply not a smart way to deal with the problem, most people don't want to be martyrs and you're not going to win anyway."
And you sir, have all out forgotten just who pays for the government's campaign donations, I'll give you a clue, its definitely not the public sector.
Yeah, I am saying that you are dead wrong about government fighting back, you never bite the hand that feeds you.
I've spent the last ten years of my life trying to keep Google's users safe and secure so that they can receive the deluge of adverts we want to give them therefore maximizing my income meanwhile keeping nosy busybody jobsworths like bored NSA agents out of OUR systems and data as well as protecting our users from this evil that the government keeps trying to brainwash you that THEY are the good guys, um NO.
We're the good guys, the NSA do NOT have the motto "Do no evil" WE DO!
What's that sound?
Oh yeah, its the sound of millions giving FB the middle finger and closing their accounts. Too bad we all know that closing or deleting an account rarely if ever actually deletes it but marks it inactive so they can still data-mine it despite it no longer being updated.
It's just another Google really, treat them as such, the only winning move is not to play.
ITV a bastion of UK content? ITV hasn't done anything good since around 1995 and went into crap overdrive around 2007 when they axed CITV and replaced it with, can you guess? daytime repeats and general lowest common denominator rubbish.
BBC hasn't fared much better after ditching their CBBC either. Can't we please put something original on rather than repeats of cash in the attic? or bargain hunt?
BBC and ITV Daytime now consist of geriatric programming rather than family programming, and they wonder why they don't get ratings. Meh.
These partitions don't lead to them doing anything, they just leave excuses on them, the whole petition site is a red herring, I hope am wrong, but it appears that the large majority of them are fobbed off.
Have you tried hosting the petition on another site? The newspapers don't help either, they only seek to exaggerate the problem, they always do!