Posts by Sultitan
12 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2013
Microsoft on the Threshold of a new name for Windows next week
Boffin fights fire with EXPLOSIVES instead of water
BBC hacks – tweet the crap out of the news, cries tech-dazzled Trust
TV sales PLUMMET. But no one's prepared to say what we all know
For Windows guest - KVM or XEN and which distro for host?
Twitter shares tank as blabbergasm implodes in full glare of unforgiving investors
UK spooks STILL won't release Bletchley Park secrets 70 years on
Lighting bods blind designophiles with LED-powered lounge lamps
Headmaster calls cops, tries to dash pupil's uni dreams - over a BLOG
Sage 50 activation blackout: Shops sent back to paper age
Can't agree on a coding style? Maybe the NEW YORK TIMES can help
Windows 8.1: So it's, er, half-speed ahead for Microsoft's Plan A
Sunday 30th June 2013 00:23 GMT

Look, you only need to add a toolbar, yeah?
Since Vista I just added '%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\start menu' to the taskbar toolbar set - not perfect, but perfectly convenient, works in 7 and 8 too, guess it still works in 8.1, and just xcopy my user start menu to the system start menu - fine for single user machines.