Re: Extremely unique...
So far, a unique response. But should someone reply to you too, it's uniquity shall disapear with the sands of time. So limited temporal uniqueness. Almost almost unique.
344 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2013
No body seems to have provided any evidence that the alleged offence (writing the blog) occured in the UK. If it didn't then what jurisprudence does the UK governent have to hear the case? And since libel has to be published, if the alleged libeler typed a letter in the UK which was published in the US, would the UK have jurisprudence? If it does not then what is the difference between the keystrokes being made in the UK, but the upload to a server occurring outside the UK, such as Russia, Albania, or, maybe the US to name but three honorable and trustworthy states...?
I was once in court over a poll tax bill and challenged the veracity of the statements produced by Birmingham City Council's computer system. An affadavit was produced by their chief IT honcho to the effect that "the system was working in the normal manner...". I challenged that, pointing out that wording merely meant that the system was working as usual, not accurately. The basic response from the lay magistrate was something along the lines of "Oh dear" and the court paused whilst the professional lawyer who advised the court (clerk of the court) informed the magistrate of the consequences of acting on that information - that literally thousands of bills and fines might have to be repayed.
Eventually I sugested that I could help resolve the issue by agreeing to pay the £21,37 without prejudice and justice continued in its sureal manner. Best half day I ever took off from work - the entertainment value was superb. When I got to the court there were literally over 1000 cases to be heard and only 1 defendant attending. Me. I had anticipated waiting for ever whilst all of the cases for defendants whose names staarted with A-->M were tried but instead the clerk of the court simply said "is anyone here defending a case" and I stood alone. All the others were dealt with as a single entity in abstentia and as having pleaded guilty.
Ah, the theatre of Justice being seen to be done.
Trouble is it leaves you a complete hostage to others. Imagine, you have just finished 5 years of seminal work on spermiferous tubules. It is your lifetime achievement and your doctoral thesis. You submit it for publication and... The publication notices that your uni's subscription to Word is 6 days out of date - the work is withdrawn and your doctorate viva canceled. All for want of a horseshoe.
I'm sorry to but into what is almost a private fightclub but might I point out that the value of EC co-operation on medicines was such that they, under the aegis of Ursula Van Lieden, attempted to hijack vaccines that had been developed in Cambridge and produced in Belgium for their own citizens (mertitocrats and beurocrats first?) against their own rules and only backed down under extreme pressure. The NHS is not perfect or good at many things including treating me, but at least I don't have to worry about them stealing (sorry, misappropriating) my medicines for their political convenience.
2 obvious reasons
1) Keeping the beam tight, possibly including issues with thermal atmospheric blooming.
2) Providing sufficient energy in the beam ("22 MJ of stored energy into an electric current pulse"), does not describe how much energy was in the actual beam. At physically larger sizes initial bloom from the target will tend to prevent the beam hitting the solid target beneath the vapourised material. I would like to see some scaling evaluations, not just small scale testing.
Is not only toxic in doses less than 1Kg through inhalation but is also a very powerful greenhhouse gas. There are far too many systems taking relatively innocuous methane (which has an upper atmospheric lifetime of a few years) and converting it to Dihydrogen Monoxide which has no measurable half life in the atmosphere). This must stop NOW!!!!!!! Please won't someone think of the children (who are already composed of about 60% by mass of this toxic chemical).
Strangely enough, scrapping the TSR2 may have been the correct decision. It had a very niche role; instant sunshine over Moscow or similar places. From memory, it was not a bomb truck, which was what the Tornado IDS was. As such, although not as aesthetically pleasing or unique as the TSR2, the Tornado was a far better in service aircraft than the TSR2 would have been. Bonus point question; which iconic aircraft was the original TSR2?
I chose to liquidate my company instead, due to my advancing (does it ever do anything otherwise?) age, and rely on the parliamentary assurances given by the PM "other sources of support".
After a much longer delay I was refused those sources of support (Universal Credit), because "the law doesn't allow us to give it to you". And that was the full explanation I was given. Perhaps I should have taken the loans and fled to Yorkshire, nobody gets extradited from Yorkshire.
That's where I got my Turner - in a box of unsorted prints priced at about £5.00 each. Browsed through them and with trembling hands bought that one. And cringed as the shop assistent tried to fold it to fit into a large envelope. Fortunately I sort of said, "don't worry" and put it in my carrier bag.
Well according to Rossum, who invented the things in Čapek's original play, they were humanoid, sociopathic "Radius: I don’t want any master. I want to be master over others." and ultimately fatal for the human race. So yes, in 1921 that is the expectation of Robots (slaves in slavic) and so the 1950's simply reflected reality in their descriptions. It is you modernists, with your anarchic tendencies to throw away the past in search of the new reality, that are straining the bounds of historical reality beyond their elastic limit.,were%20neither%20metallic%20nor%20mechanical.
Well Martin,
if you are a girl, of suitable age and temperament you may screw me. It's a kind offer but on reflection my wife would probably not allow it. But thank you for the thought. I'm sure, in time, if you persist enough you will find someone of a suitable gender for your personal preferences who will live a happy and fullfilling life with you. But whilst you are searching, ixnay on the exitbray. It;s a very polarising issue. Good luck.
I was technical lead on the Ericsson dealer network project, Ericson had been learning pseudo-staff management from Sun Life of Canada. So we had fields for 1st emloyees birthday, second employees birthday and other such bullshit down to about 10 employees. One of the questions I asked was "What happens if there are more than 10 employees?" and was told "Oh shit". And of course these values were all held in a single data row on a SQL-Server 6.5 system... Normalisation was apparently what happened when you changed countries, like becoming English rather than Scottish.
So I had an incredibly short deadline to meet <2 months to have a working system. In a spirit of informed hatred a USA company was competing with us for the contract - we were supposed to share things but the mutual hatred meant that was improbable at best.
It was decided that the best testers of each system would be their competitors and whilst I was doing some tidying up I got a phone call from the States - telling me I had fucked up bigtime, and they were going to win as our system didn't work at all. They sent me some screen shots to prove it, and they were right. It didn't bloody well work on IE2, which is what they were testing our system on.
Now if they had only read the spec carefully they might have noticed that IE3 was required.
I read the briefing notes for testing and in them it was made clear that the debug results were not to be shared other than with Ericsson. So i didn't. I did ring one of their chaps whom I knew quite well and enquired whether or not the system was required to work on IE2 and was told "certainly not - we want the latest and greatest features of IE3". So I closed the call having sort of mentioned that it would be a good idea for them to look for the identifying features of the Browser used for testing...
Yep - read both manuals and specs and ensure you're doing what is requested.
An optimaxed pathogen would
* be mild and not affect the host greatly
* be integrated into the host in every place
* make the host totally dependent on it
* give evolutionary advantages that outweigh the disadvantages to the host
* be easily spread and reproducible
* NOT BE YELLOW (shout out to explosions and ire)
(Ignoring the yellow bit, sort of looks like mitochondria and possibly may other inclusion organelles). Or even more interestingly cowpox, which supplanted smallpox cos it found an evolutionary niche that precluded smallpox from entering the host.
Another optimaxed pathogen that was hostile to the host would
* not kill the host untill the R factor was significantly greater than 2
Done that for 30 years +, along with, and this is particularly useful.
Instead script creates and make edits in them. If you hit the run button by mistake the create will fail whinging about object already exists, and once you are ready simply change the create to an edit. Saved my ass often enough to be worth the small amount of extra effort, particularly if some bugger interupts you in mid flow.
And speaking of mid flow, never stand next to a co-worker in the urinals. That way neither of you will be disappointed.
I am on your side. No matter what the legislature states in it's words, entry conditions favour the big players. They can afford the costs of doing it. Imagine applying for a small project as an individual. Total size, maybe £15M. Now imagine the costs of bidding; this is just a guess but I suspect you must include:
Equal opportunity compliance proof.
Gender reassignment policy proof.
All of the green requirements including
* Disposal of waste products policy
* Costed global warming impact statements
* Policies w.r.t. employees who are whistleblowers about breach of any policy
* 3 years audited tax returns as a small enterprise
Proofs of (if you are a small team of 3-4 people making a "we can do this bid, and we should do it cos it is important):
* 3 similar projects performed with full washups on how it was done and the top 3 catastrophes in each project:
* these as usually something like "We got Earl Grey tea, rather than English breakfast"
* Mr. Jones didn't particularly work well with us but we learned to get along
a) He died of old age.
b) We came to a mutual understanding (no comment at all about how this happened)
c) After a while he was moved and his replacement was really motivated to finalise the solution (no comment at all about how this happened).
d) The project was not as successful as we had originally projected but with the institutionalised and localised hostility it can be seen that our success was particularly noticable
And so on and so on.
And now you are a big firm like Crapita wanting to ensure you keep the small jobs because:
* They are relatively easy
* They are relatively likely not to fail
* There are a lot more of them
* And once we are in their, we are in.
* And we have a shed load, a garage load, and a green house load of ex civil servants, who spent years designing these barriers to entry, and for a small cost to us, can negate the barriers with a magic wand of knowing what is wanted. (Don't waste time answering the questions, just include all this shit from here, here, oh, and most importantly here. Don't worry about what it says; as long as it ticks the right boxes, no-one will check anyway.)
* And, of course, finally, here, cut and paste it from our previous 321 applications last month.
I don't know the answer, but I do note that regulatory barriers tend to increase, not decrease. And this ensures that new entries can be crowded out.
Well as all the prior literature tends to sugest "Anal Probing", for probes, (or maybe that is just too much of could I please request that we melt the gold disc showing them where to find us. And if we can't do that, could we please melt the bit that shows the invitingly present USB(456231 C (Version 278/56/021), insertion point.
Just to add a little more information. And this came as part of my OU degree in STEM. The electricity which is used in heat pumps costs about 4* the price of the gas that it replaces in a gas boiler. Thus even with an annual efficiency of 3 (a good value) this indicates that the user will pay about 4/3 the price that would have been paid had gas been used. The green advantage is often touted but as electricity production --> green then there is little to no net green effect. Of course, were the system to be running on dirty electricity the green effect would exist.
I always had a problem with that. Why not place the cat in a humane evironment (if you must) or just ensure that life support is available for a week. Run the test with your 50% chance with your radioactive source of choice. Wait a week. open the box; if it is smelly and horrible then the cat died without the event being observed (unless microbes, viruses and whatever count as observers). If there is a strong smell of cat shit and pee, and the cat tries to claw your eyes out then the cat is still alive.
This in itself is not a proof nor a valid test. But the cat has a 50% chance of dying. Should either event occur then repeat the same until you get six sigma results; this is the gold test.
you could simply note the amount of decay in dead cats. If it were bugger all then they have obviously only just died supporting the basic hypothesis of observer effect. And if they smelt like buggery then they died a week ago - so stuff anthropic principles (unless cat's are observers, so repeat the same test with bacteria and penicillin cultures doing the turtles all the way down thing) or accept actually it is a non proven load of bollocks. And then wait for the theoretical physicists to produce several hundreds of papers criticising the methodology, the ethics of the methodoloy, the new string theories that explain this, cosmic (insert your own word here), But the true winners will be the experimental physicist who will explain that you didn't specify the colour, spin and charm of the cat.
Well when I had my Atari 800 (proper one with aluminium chassis) I got a printer bur the atari couldn't feed it - had to buy an RS232 interface as well. That 9 pin japanese printer cost about £400 (1982) whilst the box and the extra 16K (yep Kb) of memory cost just over £1600, as I recollect. I gave it to my business partner eventually, after about 5 years, along with the seperate interface module which was a litle beige box about 12 x 6 x 2 cm which had 4 RS232 ports and a centronics port (for the printer). It did their family printing with true descenders (9 pin) with the tails of letters beneath the printing line, and went through 2 three year degree courses. It was only retired to the bin when drivers became an issue.
Gosh, I wish I had it now. I've no idea what ribbons would cost but I came across some printouts and there more than good enough. Faded, but legible, it used fanfold paper, and you could even rip the holes off the side with the little perforations. (Shoutout to Tetly tea bags).
RIP, the best £400 I ever spent. These days it wouldn't even but a couple of weeks drinking. Espescially not at the rate I did then. Sadly beer fugit even more rapidly than tempus fugit.
Worked in an office in the early 90's in mid winter. CFO was an idiot who wanted to save money by cutting heating bills. I didn't, but some one genius wrote a script that ran infinite calculations on the PC's. As the CFO was not replacing staff whilst retaining the workload we were not his friends. So all the spare PC's were running at 100% cpu. It was between 1KW and 1/2 KW per PC. Not fan heaters deliberately but they all had "cooling" (heat redistribution fans). It was quite cosy. Still left.
"because it's adding carbon into the cycle that wasn't there before"
Well it may not have been there recently but the last time I looked at fossil fuel creation it was from sequestered atmospheric carbon in a atmosphere generally similar to ours, albeit richer in carbon.
Well one of the reasons you won't find many of the systems in museums is that the missile bodies were made of Magthor (A generic name for magnesium thorium alloys). This had the minor issue that thorium is radioactive - not such a worry when built but unacceptable now. The general idea was to lob low yield (about Hiroshima effect sized) warheads into approaching packs of Soviet bombers. These would in general have been subsonic, Tu-4 Bulls (B29 copy), jet powered Badgers and Bears. At maximum speeds none of these would excede about 650mph and were definitely subsonic. It was a lot better than nothing and preferably used during a time of offshore winds...
Nikes were intended as inaccurate weapons and would not affect hypersonic missiles, particularly as the missile wouldn't be ready to launch untill well after the hypersonic chappie was well past it.
"hang them as wires", How do lightning strikes work on superconductors? Is there any heat without resistance and do we get a wave propagating through the whole of the superconducting network, rebounding at inappropriately terminated end points and causing fantastic EMR effects. This could make EMP weapons childs play. I ask purely as a Gedankenexperiment,
But what if that was a target. Maybe this was a green promotion mod that went wrong. So considering the Trolly Problem, if the switch gave you a choice between hitting a tree and coming to rest safely in a field (addmittedly whilst running over some none considerred targets) this would be fine. Perhaps someone introduced an inadverdant ! (not) into the final decision tree. Trivial to fix and the sort of mistake that any progammer (well not me) could make whilst recovering from a hangover.
Well Pauli first postulated them then. We still don't have a consistent capacity to describe them. (see Sabine Hossenfelder ( When you find things that are seriously interesting but don't seem to want to know the rest of the universe, me, I personally think of Terry Pratchets ( The real and obvious question (carrying on with the neutrinos) is we are pretty terrible at watching them; how good are they at watching us?
So, if we are being honest, hoping to find out life changing models of things that we can observe because they happened about 3 bn years ago (or is this " dating back to ten billion years" meant to mean 10 billion years ago) when we can't even explain what is happening in our own neck of the woods seems a bit like building on the sand on a sandbank in the Goodwin Sands (running out of sands there) and expecting it to survive because we built it on a set of sands (got another one in) and that will be a sandtastic discovery. (not going to ack the last one, it was terrible. If (and I hope some of you can) you can post better please do).
We all should know that the Standard model of particle physics has some pretty big problems, even ignoring the neutrino (alleged) problem. It doesnt fit with gravity nor, the standard model of astrophysics. Maybe it's just me, but we seem to be searching for more and more defects that are a long way away whilst ignoring the mote in the models eye.
I'n not quite sure what you are stating.
Once we had left the EU the lack of borders between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK was an internal issue for the UK, The concerns over the "soft border" with Eire and by extension with the EU could have been met by the UK simply stating that as far as the UK was concerned the border between Eire and the UK would be considered as open. It already was for citizens of Eire who have the rights to live in the UK and vote in the UK since the 1920's. This may have caused issues for the protectivist policies of the EU but that was not an issue for the UK. It would have met it's obligations under the Easter / Good Friday agreements.
Should Eire and by implication, the EU have chosen not to honor their agreement that would have been a peculiarly EU issue, not the UK's.