So Samsung owners could end up with another 100 notes burning a hole in their pockets...
355 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jul 2007
the fanny beer was cheaper earlier, but they've stuck it up since.....
And for 10 grand you can send your beloved other half over to Poland or Germany to have her minge mince scraped out and turned in to a wonderful aperitif!
Lets hope it doesn't have aperitif when they try to interfere with her!
I reckon they sample it before making it in to your dream drink!
"Na Nigel this one's a bit yeasty..."
This guy's invovled in some sort of tax thing at the minute isn't he?
So could it be possible that the sudden backtrack of proving he's one of Bitcoins founding fathers have something to do with the fact that he realises his 450 million quids worth of bitcoins could be taxed to?
Personally I don't think he's Satoshi, that Japanese-American who got pointed at a while ago, now he did seem like a much more likely candidate.