Re: Userbase
Ukraine media channels also use Telegram, not just the Russkis
58 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jun 2013
Yes, or you work in a big corporate with enough clout to refashion all your textual forms as Excel spreadsheets because that's the only tool you know how to use for easy layouts (why am I thinking of chimpanzees and sticks here?)...Word obviously not your cup of tea, PDF forms completely non grata...."ah excel" you go and you even password protect it. When the user offers to make it better (read usable), just say "Well, no one else has complained so no"....
Looking at you RR, you cockwombles.
I have a couple of customers using SAP, I think the "bad things" that SAP gets the gong for are probably dependant on the implementation at the user end. for example 99% of my customers manage to place a purchase order that's one, maybe 2 pages...SAP "enabled" customer has 3 pages of prefomatted bilge then 3 pages of what they actually want....there is no "golden user" to edit the bilge they (and I) have to live with it.
Nah, Word has a section called "developer" and in it are a whole selection of activeX non-goodies. I regularly receive embedded MS docs from an evilcorp that thinks it is the ballon de chien at security... cockwombles.
There is a big plc out there who use Excel for absolutely everything bar number crunching by the way I receive reports, reviews, document templates...because they find it easy to put text in a box I guess...let me tell you, it is f*ck*ng painful to have to read these 3 screen wide by 10 screen deep text efforts when really, it could have been done in (Agh)Word, or Writer or even Notepad, but NOT Excel.
I bet they have CLAIT qualifications in it too...
Sorry AB, but the ElReg exam on DevOps clearly stated "1000 words on DevOps" . Yesterday we had a nice 1000+ one and our punters rubbed themselves down with it....but yours is only 880 words, please amend DevOps style and get it up to 1000. Oh yes, our readers really can't get enough of it...we use it as click bait.
Hold this thought Mr Whittingdale....I the consumer would like to retain a choice between surfing the net and surfing the ads, and all flavours in between. I therefore like to be able to enforce my particular choice on my browser and I don't need to read about how hard done by the ad industry is. Ad and Marketing departments....jog on.
I once worked for a cockwomble who decided , as no-one really wanted to attend his meetings so they'd drag themselves kicking and screaming to them only after he went to the "meeting room", that from now on anyone late would be "fined" 20p per minute of lateness.
Next meeting who's late by 10 minutes? Yep Sir Cockwomble himself who tried to breeze into the meeting....and then felled by yours truly saying loudly "Wait, that'll be two quid Colin". Oh I'd be six foot under for the stare I got....bloody marvellous!