* Posts by AndyBeans

3 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2013

Dear Apple: Want to stay in business? Make an iPhone people can afford



I can't see how the analyst can say the market for iPhones is becoming saturated; Apple's update-or-GTFO firmware policy means that older iPhones become embarrassingly slow after a year and defunct after two, thus "encouraging/freeing" customers to buy the next one.

EU crackdown will see tougher sentences for stupid cyber-badhats


Financial costs?

"...cyber intrusions that result in financial costs..." What about companies that claim the costs of subsequently, properly securing their networks were "caused" by the hackers? Has the EU wised up to that one yet?

Microsoft's MoodScope app predicts smartphones users' feelings


If only...

If only they'd finished this research BEFORE releasing Windows 8 or revealing the XBone