That's no moon...
...it's a moon-seeking space telescope.
36 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jul 2007
...there is actually an option in GTA4 to give buskers (usually on the underground metro stations playing the sax) your spare change!
Of course, it'll probably be frowned upon in the new game if you then beat them to death with a baseball bat. Unless that's classed as cleaning up the streets?
You're absolutely right, there's no difference. It's all to do with distraction - but essentially if the Gov can get away with charging £60 every time someone's caught on a phone while driving (easy to prove due to mobile phone records) then don't you think they will!?
Also, I just took the test and passed - but didn't notice the 'surprise'. Does that make me a bad driver? I don't think so. I still SAW all the pedestrians crossing the road, which is the important thing - surely it doesn't matter what the hell they were wearing!!
*Steps off soapbox*
"We'd like to know if it's smart enough to detect you've stopped so you can make a call safely, even if you've left the engine running."
Well technically speaking the law says that to make a call safely you should pull over, and turn the engine off - so if it doesn't work with the engine still running, it's a good feature?
Like the idea in general though, nice idea, even if not entirely enforcable.
Sony already tried that, using SonicStage (bane of my life) and their music store. It failed and they pulled it. Whether it would work on a console or not... who knows. I wouldn't use it personally.
HD movies however, Xbox is trying although they seem to be rental-only and rather overpriced, which is a great shame!
...releases because it only uses 'first gen' graphics, I.E. no HD here.
It was made solely as a Wii game, which is why it was supposed to be banned in the first place - it's going to be interesting, acting out the motions of sawing a man's head off with a Wiimote.
Although I'm pretty sure it won't turn me into an axe-wielding psychopath, HA HA!
Mine's the white one with the leather straps around the arms...
"Unregistered mobile phones and VoIP services like Skype mean that the proposed law will catch only the densest of criminals."
Of course. Because this is yet another surveillance system put in place to spy on the general public under the guise of thwarting 'terrorism' or 'crime'.
Call me a cynic, but CHRIST - is it not obvious?
I for one will not be updating my iPod Touch. Being charged to update the device with, quite frankly, the apps and features that should have been available from launch is a kick in the teeth.
I'll be jailbreaking it instead. Congrats Apple! You almost converted me to the Dark Side with your lovely touch screen musical player, and now you've pushed me away.
Can we send Paris?
We can tell her it's a humanitarian mission, we know how much she loves those - when in fact she'll have heard about the 28-month-or-so tan, and will agree whole-heartedly.
And the thought of the mission becoming jeopardized due to radiation poisoning / lack of repair skills / malfunction / someone pigging all the oxygen would mean nobody back on Earth would have a problem putting her on the craft.
You're absolutely right of course - the experience and service is completely shoddy. I've had several run ins with eBay before, who palm you off to PayPal - and then PayPal send you back to eBay, it's ridiculous.
The problem is they can get away with it because they know that no other service on the web comes close to what they do. eBay knows they have no competition on the web, and for the foreseeable future, this will be true.
It's a shame - but they're starting to not give a crap, because of this fact. Poor show.
I prefer Pizza Hut. The last two times I ordered from Dominos they got the order completely wrong - and when you're paying so much for the damn things you'd think they'd at least get it right. Plus our drivers are very rude, and 'never carry any change' - my arse.
Pizza Hut is much better. Affordable and the flavour's better.
Surely he's done nothing illegal. Technically speaking.
If you were walking down the street and asked a pedestrian "where's that chap that sells pirate DVDs?" and the pedestrian answers "over there, in that alley" then surely he's done nothing wrong. You couldn't nick the bloke - he's just pointed to somewhere else. He's not provided any dodgy content himself.
The same applies here. He provided LINKS, and that alone - no actual hosted content.
I reckon he'll get away with it.
Whilst I would normally agree with you on this, Facebook is slightly different from most social networking sites.
Sites such as 'Bebo' and 'Myspace' are indeed, more about Emo kids crying over kittens and teenage males to spread pictures of their torsos. However, Facebook started as a tool for those going to university to stay in touch -and has now spread to allow anyone to use it, so in fact it's a great way to a) stay in touch with people that have moved away, and to see what kind of thing they're up to very quickly; b) let everyone know of any news you have, or events you have, very quickly; and c) find people you may have lost touch with a long time ago.
As a matter of fact, it's not for meeting NEW people - it's more for staying in touch with old friends.
I don't use MySpace, Bebo, or any of the others - but will gladly admit that I use Facebook. Try it out - you might like it... ;-)
...last year when I was running XP. Needless to say it was quite a surprise - like you say, Tom, it doesn't even suggest that you MAY have been 'victimized' but it basically points the accusing finger and shuts things down! When you pay that sort of money for an OS you don't really expect that sort of *ahem* 'customer service'.
It's the equivalent of buying a car, then the dealer spotting you in the road and saying 'HANG ON A SEC, I don't think you bought that car - lets just take away your servicing, air con, sat nav - all the lovely features until we get this straightened out'.
Not entirely fair!