Our team mobilised immediately...
"...and managed to contain the attack"
I sense a massive amount of surprise in this statement.
72 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2013
Indeed, MacKeeper is at the very best sleezeware. I would personally categorize it as malware. I have had clients fall for the scare tactics employed by MacKeeper. It hijacks browsers and causes general havoc on Macs. And here is another very good reason not to touch it with a barge pole.
Security software my arse!
"Staffers of the real estate mogul-turned-US presidential candidate “bungled the settings on their Amazon S3 server”, which according to MacKeeper security researcher Chris Vickery, the security researcher who discovered the recently-resolved flaw."
Still looking for the rest of this sentence. And is calling the guy from MacKeeper a "Security Researcher" some sort of joke?
Indeed. Have an upvote. I am often asked to implement a cross-platform server for home users of Windows and Macintosh computers. Samba is an obvious choice and not very difficult to enable on a wide variety of NAS devices or operating systems. Sort of thick to say that this is unlikely to affect home users.
the criminal investigation of this breach is focusing on the lack of security and therefore may expose TalkTalk as the real culprit.
On one hand, I hate the hacking we all hear about every day. On the other, when hacks expose embarrassing security fuck ups made by people who should know better, I can only hope other corporate entities take notice.
Ultimately, hanging Dido out to dry in a criminal court for negligence is probably the only thing that might make them take notice. If Safe Harbor is illegal, then surely this level of technical stupidity should be criminal as well.
That thinks their mobile is safe gets what they deserve. I think we can all agree that it really does not matter what platform you use. iPhone or Android (or one of you 5 kids with Windows Phones) are all vulnerable. Never mind vulnerable to what. It is vulnerable to something and that's food for thought.
Mine's the one with tin foil body condom in the waist pocket.
that the take away from a horrible crime is to stomp on the least significant aspect of it. We Americans are fools.
Regardless of how people feel about the shooting, the Confederate flag is not the issue. What fault of law allowed this mental defective to have a gun? Any one have good answer for that? Did the Confederate flag give him the gun? I think this is more typical American denial of the real problems in our society.
I believe in our right to bear arms. But we have a problem here in the U.S. of allowing the criminally insane to take part in that great Right. Maybe that's what we should be discussing instead of doing stupid, ignorant and virtually useless things.
I cannot imagine that removing the Confederate flag from the face of the nation will stop this from happening again. Maybe next time, the perpetrator will have a picture taken of him with the American flag. How will the dumb people I have to call my countrymen deal with that?
I can attest that the right of way for Verizon to install fiber was indeed blocked by landlords in NYC.
I know of one client of mine that was in a building on Lafayette St. in Soho that was eligible for FiOS, but it needed to be connected through a neighboring building that already had FiOS.
In the end, the neighboring building's landlord would not allow the work to proceed to connect my client's building.
In the end, cogent provided a miserable 10x10 business Ethernet connection for 1000 clams per month.
I don't like Verizon or the way they do business, but there is some validity to their "landlord" argument from my own experience. Could Verizon run an extra 100 yards of fiber around the block to connect the building? I really don't know. But I personally spoke with the landlord of the neighboring building, and I know they simply were not going to allow the right of way for Verizon to bring the connection over.
I am a U.S. citizen and I think the perpetrators were identified too easily. Considering the White House was under attack for a couple of weeks before they were made aware of the intrusion by an "ally". Seems pretty quick for them to come to a solid conclusion on this.
Others have said and I agree. This is going to be used to further restrict U.S. citizens' free speech and increase monitoring of U.S. citizens here in the land of the *cough* free.
I have little faith in our government's ability to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that NK has any hand in this. But the USG does not like NK, so we will just say it was them.
But it is probably our government that perpetrated this crime. I think we have a habit of victimizing our own citizens to justify our actions against the ones we don't like.
The whole thing seems rather convenient.
I like to soak some string in bacon grease before an afternoon at the river. Lay the soaked string in the water while swimming and return periodically to remove the crawfish doran evening boil. Often bring home 50 to 100 crawfish from the local pond for dinner.
The Texans I know won't eat em. They use crawfish for bait. Dummies.