java 8 for the really impatient
Good to the point book
4 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2013
There have definitely been security holes in commercial home network gear.
So how good is the support? Anyone ever had an email to say they need to update their home router?
It's always good to check if an opensource project is alive in making decisions but if it is, security normally gets attention. Commercial support often only lasts so long, often not long on home kit.
'''"To be clear: the chances of a vulnerability existing, someone knowing about it and having both the skill and equipment to compromise such a device are vanishingly... "'''
But then you don't need everyone to know you just need an efficient scanner and devices to be visible.
I remember people thinking what are the chances of a modem connecting to my phone number - there are millions of phone numbers... Then war dialing became popular and people started using passwords...