Re: Only for the Far Right
BS. None of these scum think it terms of left and right. The same people turn up to pull down statues of slave traders. Calling them extreme-right just helps Starmars narrative.
241 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jun 2013
I know a voice actor (whose case has been on telly a few times). IBM have basically cloned him from an advert he did for them 20 years ago.
His closest friends ring him up and say "I heard you on X advert" but no, its not him. A man that made a long career as a voice actor all over the world has had that stolen by IBM.
Why pay an actor a wage when a machine will do it for you for pennies.
Its outright theft.
I doubt it because the reason so many are so poor is because they are in debt. Share a billion dollars with a billion of the poorest and they will probably still be in debt.
Better to spend the money on improving their conditions. Should the Gates foundation actually find a cure for malaria, that would be a real change.
"Slack does not have nested discussions"
No one (who is cool) uses nested or threaded discussions any more. We are living in the Mobile Age and everything has to fit in your pocket, so there's no room to display all that unnecessary junk.
Just in case the sarcasm in the above post doesn't register, I completely agree with you but I suspect we are swimming against the tide :(
Unfortunately that doesn't work anymore. Ads are dynamically generate, ad space is sold down the line and there is no way you can tell that the adds served to your visitors are the same ads you saw when you tested.
There was a Register article fairly recently about malware ads that server up different content if they detect certain security tools :(
"JavaScript: yes, it shouldn't be able to do anything outside the browser window it's in"
- This. Sandboxing things like script and flash and java plugins and plugins of any nature is perfectly possible. That some of the browser makers haven't done so, makes me think they have hidden reasons for not doing so.
"@a cynic, How were you to know the opposition would want exactly the same powers (or more) for the next time they were in power."
Because they wanted it the last time they were in power?
I think there must be something in the water that civil servants feed to new Home Secretaries, that tern them into control freaks.
The "derisory renegotiations" are another reason why I want to leave. Apparently Cameron's new deal means that if 54% of governments decide to vote against something, it will be stopped.
Prior to Cameron's deal I would have thought it just took the most votes. Foolish me. But now I know better.
"It's pretty clear that for most people wanting to leave, immigration is the key factor."
Not sure that's true. Immigration is one of the most talked about, because its the current example of the EUs inability to come to a decision about anything. A year or two ago, the big issue would have been the economic collapse of the euro zone.
Anyhow, the main issue for me is sovereignty and not wanting any part of a european super state.
It may be out of date, but I think the firearms definition is pretty specific. I used to sell "boat bits" and most flare guns didn't require a firearms licence but we sold one which did, that had a percussion cap mechanism.
Then there's the gas gun laws (paint ball etc) which is specifically mentioned in the firearms definition, that has a pounds per square inch definition, I believe. Which might be why this doesn't have such a great range.
Yes, their documentaries are "mostly" still good. I put this down to the fact they keep a number of older presenters around (like the great David Attenborough). Watch some of the newer intake of presenters on different subjects (dare I mention Click?) and it can be pretty awful.
And lets not mention the Humphries/Paxxman style interviewing which has taken over BBC1 and Radio4, which I consider an insult to the intelligence of everyone involved, interviewee and audience alike :(
What offense has been committed and what exactly are you expecting the police officers to do about it?
As they tried to detain him, that could be assault. It is almost certainly a breach of the peace.
We really need to stamp on these frikkin' over-reaching Mall-Cops and they should most definitely have to appear in court.
PS: I bet they are retired police and are friends of the officers that "investigated" the incident.
" those who wish to be out of the EU either have ulterior motives "
As do those in it. Which is ever increasing political union.
The desire of the EU political elite for an ever larger political institution is consistently their downfall. The inability to come to a unanimous decision about anything paralysis its institutions while political dogma makes it repeat the same mistakes again and again. We must have open borders despite all the evidence of the harm it is doing. The wilful blind eye turned to financial irregularities and human rights violations of new and prospective members. The Euro fails due to the intrinsic unsuitability of one currency for such a diverse economic area but the answer to that failure is more and stricter integration. All due to blind political ambition.
Small democracy good. Large democracy bad.
Totally agree. I've thought we should leave the EU for years so I find myself extremely surprised and delighted that we are actually going to be given the choice!
Far less delighted that Gove has stepped up to lead the out campaign. If you find yourself on the same side of an argument as Gove and Farrage then that can really undermined your confidence that you've made the right choice :(
I utterly disagree with your conspiracy theory and would rather put my faith in British Judges than the European Court of Human Rights, based upon just about every decision they have ever made.
And as for your comment about the papers, well I hate to point this out but we ARE more right wing country than the rest of Europe. Always will be.