* Posts by Isaac Abraham

4 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2013

We're making F# more normal as a language, says its creator

Isaac Abraham

Re: REPL problems

The ;; is only needed if you directly type stuff into FSI and is needed for multi-line support. Very, very few people do that.

Instead, use an editor like VS Code (free, cross platform) or Rider or Visual Studio, all of which have very good F# support and the ability to enter code in an code editor and send code to the REPL using, yes, ALT-ENTER.

Isaac Abraham

Re: How long has it been around?? 2005?

What kind of problems have you had to solve?

Isaac Abraham

Re: I like playing in F major

Unlikely re:impediment. If that was the case, people would've been flocking to F# for years because of this. Instead, we've seen folks scared of lf because of reputation / FUD, culture within dotnet, lack of understanding of benefits as well as simply a lack of desire to try something else out.

Ironically the cross pollination could help by removing fear of things like Records, Pattern Matching and Tuples.

TypeScript 0.9 arrives with new compiler, support for generics

Isaac Abraham

Bizarre review

Why call it a JS-killer / alternative web language? Typescript will live in your PC only, rather than the client. Why is that hard to get? The good thing is that Typescript is closely following ECMAScript 6 so Typescript now looks like what JS will do in the future.