I think there is a world market for maybe five computers
Maybe 7
461 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2007
"Sorry for pointing out the obvious, but "MVP status" is like getting a gold star at special school... crossed with an admission that you're a saddo with no life or friends who spends all his time posting on MS newsgroups. It's really not something to be proud of."
Oh yeah, that's pretty much the nutshell there.
As can be seen from the sad tragic losers defending their excreble membership of the Microsoft Mickey Mouse club, they are less than nothing. Unpaid groupie/half baked tech support more akin to wal mart greeters than anything else. If they had any real acumen they would not be using an MS product in the first place.
These creepy wannabe's are a bit sickening, it's like watching a bunch of accountants put on their general's uniforms and running around playing paintball then slapping themselves on the back and being awarded ersatz medals.
The silly soldier, no doubt discharged for shooting himself in the foot, and his overfed cheerleader make very dull and uninformed points. Sad old talking points and juggled figures spouted for decades by idiots. I was particularly amused by the description of the genitalia , no gentility of the occupying army, almost as impressed as the amount of strategic control exerted by a sweaty little man in a tin hat.
Amazing that a man in such a position of knowledge and authority could make the false statement "In NI, we were and are the Good Guys—we never killed an infant, we never killed a pregnant woman, we never planted a bomb in a pub or shopping centre."
As chummy uses the term we to mean the entire apparatus of the english empire and leaves out the loyalists working in collusion with the police and secret service I too will stick with just those drawing a wage from the government directly. I'll disregard the NI bit as of course there's no such thing. The two bombs made by the SAS in 1974 and planted in Dublin which killed a number of people must have been special "good guy" bombs. I suppose they were built with gentility and love and the timers were activated by the kiss of a prince with a pure heart.
The truth of the matter is far beyond your propaganda addled mind, your total lack of understanding of why you lost and how it happened is no surprise.
Amazingly the english army police and secret police work together to collude with loyalist murderers and facilitate their racist criminal activities. The same uniformed thugs who rescued Michael Stone and feted him as a hero after his attack on a funeral with grenades now show the same standards when they protect the steroid addled dog lover adair.
These are the same people who for some reason can't manage to arrest members of the BNP but if you posses more than the acceptable amount of melanin it might take all weekend to get home from work.
The actions of the BNP have oput many people in fear of their personal safety and well being, and there are documented cases of people having been directly injured as a result of this gangs actions.
Turn about is fair play.
Anyone defending the BNP is a prick, and all that horseshit about blinded justice is absolute crap.
I'm paranoid and it's all just a bit of fun. So in the interests of a bit of fun why don't you publish a nice photo of yourself and give the details of your home address and see what happens, bearing in mind that you're just a civilian who may have annoyed a few people in the past but nothing as serious as say fucking them in prison for 5 years.
The police are the ones who stand up to the shitheads and arrest them then stand up in court and present evidence and get the criminal locked up for a few years. Do that again and again for a few years and consider how many people would be very interested in knowing your home address and would be prepared to do something about it (being criminals and ex-cons thanks to you).
Unlike an episode of Starsky and Hutch memories don't get wiped every episode and old scores settled every season. A Police may make the decision to take a stand against crime but their family shouldn't have to suffer because some douchebag wants to take a nice picture.
As for all the fuckwits who feel sulky because they got their heads cracked at some pro lentil nonsense fest, I couldn't give a fuck about you.
It's interesting that you make no attempt to present the "other side" in this article. If police can be traced back to where they live that leaves them and their families open to intimidation by criminal types. You seem to give this no consideration as though it was an unimportant point.
The desire of some clown with a camera to snap pictures is irrelevant compared to the safety of police officers. Police who are fellow citizens laying their lives on the line to protect you and your civil right to be a whining bleedling heart.
Apple advertise on the glen beck show in the states, their muck is proprietary they overcharge and they indulge in the scam which is software patents. Their cancerous god stevesi thinks polo necks are cool and their designs all look like trash from the late sixties painted white. AppleFanbois are suckers but at least there will be less of them now so that's a good thing.
Jobs and his cult have declared war on the consumer in order to further their proprietary nonsense worldview. I know the reg has an irrational unthinking bias against open source and freedom but surely even the most hidebound capitalist stooge must see this latest insanity for what it is.
Bear in mind that americans aren't very bright. They don't differentiate between efficiency and mania. This insane attitude towards victims of faulty products smacks of the way scientologists behave. The scientology cult has been involved in business training scams before and have even sold MS software.
Scientology probably does explain the sad cult like drones obeying their cancerous master, either that or they're badly written henchmen characters in a bond flick.
Someone at el reg must be related to this old bag. Keeping a telephone number ex-directory isn't a security measure. If she was involved in some hush hush government secrets crap then she should have gotten it all sorted out through her government contacts. If she doesn't have any contacts then her story is bogus and housewife hysteria claims another gullible victim.
PS if there's one thing more boring than dealing with customer service at a telco it's reading a bleeding two page article about it embellished with nonsensical cloak and dagger guff.
The story is mildly interesting but the amazing lack of secret projects and military industrial complex tie ins seems unreal. All this snivelling about today vs. then is the standard noise made by old failures about how their failing memories and inability to think clearly any more makes 1960's primitivism superior to the present day. Why didn't they build a Jupiter base in 1910?
"With our impoverished idea of human achievement, pessimism about our scientific and technological capabilities, and little faith in human organisation, it is hard to imagine Apollo happening today at all"
It's true, if you have that attitude you are a failure.
They're not looking for AI they're looking for patterns and exceptions, deviations and spikes. It doesn't have to be Human Intelligence it has to be Artificial intelligence and that fucking Turing test guff is a red herring. I don't want to chat to the damn thing I want it to find things and notice stuff.
Uneducated dolts agreeing that the truth must be half way between two opposing viewpoints. The Holocaust has a museum but there are also holocaust deniers therefore 3 million people were possibly killed.
Irish has been renamed goeidilic which noone has ever heard of by some student with a mania for rewriting articles. Edison was the greatest inventor of all time and didn't steal anything according to some arsehole who calls himself, that's right, edison. The english empire were lovely friendly chaps who just wanted to build roads and free the poor from slavery.
The amount of politically motivated revisionism is disgusting
Ronnie Reagan "He ranks highly among former U.S. presidents in terms of approval rating.", which is funny because I remember him as being a criminal with the iq of a fencepost who almost got us all nuked.
I worked as part of a team once. They were all shite except one other guy. We worked away separately and every now and again liaised over some caveats. When we were done we briefed first the sales monkeys then the management scum. Then the sales monkeys demoed the system to the "team" and we rounded off a few rough edges before demoing it to the people with the money or customers as we called them.
I thought it was shit, then I went to a place with ISO9000 and that COPC fuckology and I realised the first place was in fact the good old days.
The moral of the story for you young un is this: Those management arseholes would rather you were weeks behind on the project as long as they have an armful of reports and e-mails. In management circles those things are like cigarettes in prison, they try to buy their way out of an assraping with them. They always prefer paperwork to productivity.