* Posts by tazmanian

2 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jun 2013

MPAA, meet the Streisand effect: Picture ass. slaps Reddit with takedown


Re: Within limits

No, that is not the case under US law. Please stop spreading false or poorly understood legal information. Nowhere in Section 230 of the CDA does it say that if you edit you are responsible for content. Normal editing which does not change the meaning does not expose you to responsibility, and moderating definitely does not expose you to responsibility. Only if you change the meaning while editing might you be responsible.


The EFF wrote:

> Do I lose Section 230 immunity if I edit the content?


> Courts have held that Section 230 prevents you from being held liable even if you

> exercise the usual prerogative of publishers to edit the material you publish. You

> may also delete entire posts. However, you may still be held responsible for

> information you provide in commentary or through editing. For example, if you edit

> the statement, "Fred is not a criminal" to remove the word "not," a court might find

> that you have sufficiently contributed to the content to take it as your own. Likewise,

> if you link to an article, but provide a defamatory comment with the link, you may

> not qualify for the immunity.

Increased cell phone coverage tied to uptick in African violence


Re: sigh

> sigh


> Most of Africa's problems are summed up in two words. Tribe first.

You're absolutely right that sub-Sarahan Africans consider tribe before country. But making that fact the scapegoat for Africa's violence is misguided. Nationalism is one way to think, but is no more 'right' than tribalism.

In 1884 and 1885 at the Berlin Conference, European powers divided up Africa between them with no consideration of tribal boundaries. It was not until after the Second World War that African countries started to regain their independence from various European colonials. The real reason for the violence is because the many tribes were forced to coexist with other tribes as one national entity, in a way that does not have any historic meaning to them, and those national entities and all of their problems continued after independence from Europe.

Oh, that and the poverty and corruption.