* Posts by sdfdasfd

1 publicly visible post • joined 14 Jun 2013

Al Gore: Stop using the atmosphere as 'an open sewer


and the good news, too, is that Al is going to help make it all better for a price, of course. What a liar. What a huckster, flim-flam man, snake-oil salesman, denier....he's a denier of his own sickness. How does he address that water vapor makes up almost all of the necessary greenhouse gases we require to survive and man made CO2 amounts to only about .001% of all CO2? That's why it's a trace gas. Wake up, people of the world, read the science. It is scientifically impossible that .001% CO2 made by man is the driving force of every other variable that makes up the earth's climate. In other words, it overrides solar storms, subatomic particulate matter in the atmosphere, various ocean currents that have their cyclical patterns, El Nina and El Nino, overrides all of nature's negative effects and has only positive effects. You should also do some reading about the IPCC being rife with conflict of interest. Lovely how Pachauri runs a campus golf course and sells memberships when the land was given to his group for public purposes, lives like a king in a mansion in India, and leaves a personal carbon foorprint the size of a crater!