* Posts by Fancypants

3 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2013

Euro ministers ditch plan to ban roaming charges


Re: I'm guessing

I don't think you can have read the story. This isn't MEPs being greedy it is national governments bending down before the corporate interests (again). The MEPs are the ones who want to keep the ban on roaming charges.

WTF is ... 802.15.4e?


Re: Zigbee?

Zigbee is a networking standard which defines all of the layers. 802.15.4e is a wireless standard which only defines the lower two layers - you could run TCP/IP over it to create your network.

Partying, beer and C++: How to choose the right Comp-Sci degree for you


Re: Reading Uni

I am afraid that this story is completely untrue. There is no basis in fact whatsoever. For the record, Reading CS has had a long and fruitful partnership with Microsoft (and Cisco and many others) which continues to this day. The reason why Reading Tech College did not partner with Reading Uni has got nothing whatsoever to do with CS or anything related, it was purely and simply local politics at its worst.

On a more general point, when I read this article I was tempted to say to myself "what a Grade A plonker" and move on. I only hope that his employers don't read it. Any headhunter with an attitude of such certainty as this must be completely useless. His ignorance is only exceeded by his arrogance.