* Posts by Slicethecloud

2 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2013

Love the cloud? Be a ‘Cloud Hero’ with Microsoft


Re: CloudTool?

Not sure about the dying bit but yet another corporate (Oracle and Rackspace have already done it) trample all over our branding and Registered Trade Marks without as much as a by-your-leave!

Users rage as Fasthosts virtual servers go titsup... again


We're not all the same!

Hosting isn't easy when you analyse all the resources and skills that are needed but any self-respecting hosting company should be able to get the basics right. What really matters is how you respond when things go wrong and believe me, things always go wrong.

I don't want to go all sales spammy but there are those of us (out here) who are different. We expect to be contacted by phone. We have UK only support staff who can help and more importantly, who genuinely care about getting customers back on line as soon as is humanly possible - on the very rare occasions things go horribly wrong. And we have directors who do things and who talk to customers and who sometimes have to take some flak - I know, I'm one of them.

You just need to choose your hosting partner wisely!

Trouble is, most purchasers are drawn to the big names or the big marketing campaigns; or sometimes (oft-time) to the lowest cost. He (or she) who lives by the sword, dies by the sword as the old saying goes. So my suggestion would be to work with a partner who cares and who can do this stuff well and support it even better.

Happy hosting!