Re: Can we copy one which works
It's the "Not invented here" syndrome. Same crap as in the NHS
250 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2013
"It might have even been a power station". At the time of the ZX81 we had a manager at out Power Station that thought it would be a good idea to have a Mill simulator for training operators running on a ZX81.
The same guy thought there was no need for a Word Processor since he could do all his writing on a spreadsheet!
Anyhow said manager recruited an operator with zero programming experience to write the code. It took months and never did work.
On high risk sites not only is a weekly fire alarm test mandatory but each alarm on the site has to be witnessed as working on a monthly routine. Our test was at exactly 10.30 on Thursday with staff positioned to witness alarms on a schedule this was followed by a test of the evacuation alarm. Long due to the staff having to walk around several alarms and very loud with sirens.Any interference with fire alarm systems was a disciplinary offence.
You don't get much dirtier places than coal fired power stations, even the offices were dusty and PC fans complained when it built up too much.
The fix a sharp slap on the case and watch the dust being expelled by the fan. A quick squirt with an air duster and it's good to go.
When pagers were introduced at our power station for shift engineers they were not much loved or cared for.
At the end of a 2/10 shift the group of engineers retired to the local pub for a wet or two as usual then off home a lot more relaxed.
A little later the night shift received a call from the pub, "One of your old guys has left his hearing aid here' which turned out to be his pager.
Chatbots are designed to wear you down until you give up, certainly NatWest's does by spewing out random words that don't make any sense in the order they are spit out. They may be Artificial but they will never be Intelligent.
Plusnet use real people who know what their company does, the Yorkshire accent is thrown in free.
A tip to get to a real person quickly is to select the Welsh language option, if provided, they all speak English perfectly.
I would like to see the risk assessment of anywhere that allowed personnel to enter a confined space with an active fire suppression system. All HV switchrooms that I have entered, and there have been more than a few daily over many years, had an interlock system to ensure you could not enter unless the fire suppression was locked off. A bit of a pain but a lot better than trying to breath CO2.
This would explain why the system might have been switched off during maintenance.
"Otherwise it's like the whiners who never stop whining that GIMP isn't Photoshop! Gee, who knew? That really is the point, isn't it: GIMP is NOT Photoshop. If you want P'shop use P'shop, don't fill up lines of message boards whining on and on about how GIMP isn't P'shop, ... ad nauseum"
And I thought Gimp was just a free version of Photoshop.