* Posts by Old BRAT

2 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2013

Here comes Windows 8.1! Microsoft grits teeth, pushes upgrade to world

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What TOOLs these Mortals be!

I have been saying this since Windows 2k - build separate OS's for business and consumers. 8.1 is obvious designed to drive customers to MS business portals. In a business enviro, I don't want my user to have Media Center, Facebook, stock market, steaming news and sports, gaming and of course MS Store. Business wants, or should want, a solid and secure OS that doesn't require re-training users on every new version. Business wants to get the job done so users can go home and play. I have been on MS since I got a 286 running DOS, but Windows 8 has convinced me switch to Ubuntu on my home machine. The hidden costs are just too high, and I don't like advertising being added to something I PAY for. Too bad, MS. You shot yourself in the foot trying to be like Apple and Google, neither of which I will use either.

NSA: 'Dozens of attacks' prevented by snooping


Bul**hit issue

I believe the NSA wiretap issue is a red herring being pushed by the Lame Stream Media to deflect attention away from the IRS and Benghazi scandals, to protect their Anointed One. They have chosen to highlight the NSA scandal because the Administration will eventually point out that surveillance of citizens has existed as long as there have been governments,. the only difference is the technology. Using the IRS as a vindictive political tool was rejected even by Nixon and abandoning an embassy to terrorists hasn't occurred since Carter, the former WPE. The LSM is trying to depict these scandals as "old news" and "nothing to see here, folks" to protect the new Worst President Ever.