Oy, Google is way eviler than Apple. Why they control the flow of information! Apple only controls the flow of money - the precious - "look, shiny!" demographic, previously devoid of life goals and who can now adhere to the mac lifestyle.
Think of it this way. You can ignore an Apple product, but what other search provider are you going to turn to? Bing? Please. Same with facebook. If you don't like it don't use it. I don't. Haven't been invited to a party in about 3 years, but I still have my dignity!...
Oh, and don't tell me you still think Microsoft is evil. I'm always amazed how much cool stuff they churn out on those PDCs and BUILDs and what have you. Really cool, like lambda-unwinding-awaits and... okay, this Build was a mild let down... but that doesn't make them evil. Also it's kind of nice that everyone just uses Office and people believe they are hot stuff just because they had a crack at VBA. Hurray for conformity!
In fact the real evil - horns and pitchfork - company on that list is Oracle. Oy, they lock in just about every other company on the planet, and their databases don't even have IDENTITY properties. What's up with that? Horrible service, insane prices. Suing everyone.