* Posts by JamesSmith

9 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2013

Apple blacklists tech journo following explicit BENDY iPhone vid


It doesn't matter

That Consumer Reports conducted a careful test and found that the iPhone 6 and 6+ were no more "bendable" that other phones and better than some, such as the HTC.

No matter, Apple=bashing makes a good story. Truth cannot be permitted to interfere with that when you are pandering to irrational Apple haters.

No, I do not have an IPhone, I have a Samsung phone and tablet.

If you are stupid enough to put your pohne in your hip pocket and sit on it, stop whining, you got what you deserved. The same applies if you deliberately try to destroy your phone and succeed. All you have proven is how stupid you are.

MAC TO THE FUTURE: 30 years of hindsight and smart-arsery


Methinks thou doth protest too much. Or why are you such a whiny little bitch?

Facebook will LOSE 80% of its users by 2017 – epidemiological study


They will never lose me

I was never stupid or desperate enough to join B.

GIMP flees SourceForge over dodgy ads and installer


Well Done

Good job, GIMP people. I used to depend upon SourceForge, too. No longer. I won't even go there. When they start allowing garbage apps, how long before they contain Malware apps?

NSA tactics no better than a CYBERCRIME GANG, says infosec'er


It isn't as if any rational person still believes the USA is a free country. Think about it. No-warrant wire taps, indefinite detention of citizens without charges, approval of rendition of prisoners and torture, stop and frisk without probable cause, search and seizure without a warrant, no-knock entry, confiscation and destruction of cameras that might have been used to film police acting illegally, police brutality, police shootings that go without investigation, managed news, and the civil-rights destroying "Patriot" Act.

Acts of police behaving illegally, with shootings, Tasers, and unwarranted violence now appear almost daily. Rarely are these offenses punished. Most often "an investigation" is claimed, but soon forgotten.

In addition, the USA, with 5% of the world population, has 25% of all of the prisoners in the world. That means the USA has the most people in prison of any nation in history. Even by percentage of residents incarcerated, not just sheer numbers. USA is # 1! Does any of that sound like a free country?

As Dwight D. Eisenhower said about communism, "It's like slicing sausage. First they out off a small slice. That isn't worth fighting over. Then they take another small slice that isn't worth fighting over. Then another and another. Finally, all you have left is the string and that isn't worth fighting over, either.

Snowden's email provider gave crypto keys to FBI – on paper printouts


Free country?

It isn't as if any rational person still believes the USA is a free country. Think about it. No-warrant wire taps, indefinite detention of citizens without charges, approval of rendition of prisoners and torture, stop and frisk without probable cause, search and seizure without a warrant, no-knock entry, confiscation and destruction of cameras that might have been used to film police acting illegally, police brutality, police shootings that go without investigation, managed news, and the civil-rights destroying "Patriot" Act.

Acts of police behaving illegally, with shootings, Tasers, and unwarranted violence now appear almost daily. Rarely are these offenses punished. Most often "an investigation" is claimed, but soon forgotten.

In addition, the USA, with 5% of the world population, has 25% of all of the prisoners in the world. That means the USA has the most people in prison of any nation in history. Even by percentage of residents incarcerated, not just sheer numbers. USA is # 1! Does any of that sound like a free country?

As Dwight D. Eisenhower said about communism, "It's like slicing sausage. First they out off a small slice. That isn't worth fighting over. Then they take another small slice that isn't worth fighting over. Then another and another. Finally, all you have left is the string and that isn't worth fighting over, either.

Google's Project Glass headman answers most pressing question: 'Why?'


Change the world?

Yes, it certaily will. WIth Google glass, Google will have even more access to your personal life and be able to collect even more data on what you do and say. The sales potential of this is incredible. Not to mention how much governments will appreciate the last vestiges of your personal privacy being wiped out.

No Google anything for me. Not now, not ever.

We want to put a KILL SWITCH into your PHONE, say Feds


It woud be OK if...

It were controllable only by the owner of the phone, not the government. All it would take is to dial the number and enter a code known only to the owner. Zap - dead phone. Anything else is asking for government abuse.

Interwebs taunt Sir Jony over Apple eye candy makeover


Those that cannot do - teach.

Those that cannot teach -manage.

Those that cannot do anyhig - criticize.