* Posts by FrankBarnes

2 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2013

Meet your new martyr: Edward Snowden


I was performing some research on Mr."Edward Snowden" using my CIA-certified tracking and monitoring tool called "Facebook". Unfortunately, there's too many accounts, and can't verify which is his.

So I fired up my CIA-Certified Microsoft Internet Explorer, now powered with "BING SEARCH® with PrismOVERDRIVE®" , (which according to the recent ad campaigns has better results that Google. Shameless Plug) There wasn't much there, either.

Eventually, I found him, on my CIA-Certified XBox with "MS Prism® Power!" The XBox said he goes by the user name "Snowden-Then-SKI" He likes to play Warcraft, and chess.

You can send him an email, at Hotmail now powered with Exclusive "MS Prism-PRO® Technology". I saw his details and contact information, but his profile had an explitive in it, which would likely be flagged. But he has an address over at hotmail.

Sneaky new Android Trojan is WORST yet discovered


Re: What Security?

Well, that's good news, but what about people who have older phones that the individual phone manufacturers don't issue updates? Is a Samsung Galaxy I still vulnerable? How about a Droid?

While Google is making a good effort to patch issues like this, relatively quickly, the manufacturers, and sometimes carriers, still, and very often, have final say in an OS update.

On the Apple side of the house, more effort is placed into platform standardization. Right now, the only phone/s and devices that can't recieve the latest OS include the iPhone 1, and the iPhone 3G. These devices never had the horsepower to support multitasking that every other generation of iPhone had.

It would be adventagous to all Android customers and users if they could apply an update, directly from Google for a trojan like this. A trojan that has all this functionality can be a menace, and in a corporate environment would create some serious IT security issues.