I was performing some research on Mr."Edward Snowden" using my CIA-certified tracking and monitoring tool called "Facebook". Unfortunately, there's too many accounts, and can't verify which is his.
So I fired up my CIA-Certified Microsoft Internet Explorer, now powered with "BING SEARCH® with PrismOVERDRIVE®" , (which according to the recent ad campaigns has better results that Google. Shameless Plug) There wasn't much there, either.
Eventually, I found him, on my CIA-Certified XBox with "MS Prism® Power!" The XBox said he goes by the user name "Snowden-Then-SKI" He likes to play Warcraft, and chess.
You can send him an email, at Hotmail now powered with Exclusive "MS Prism-PRO® Technology". I saw his details and contact information, but his profile had an explitive in it, which would likely be flagged. But he has an address over at hotmail.