* Posts by ceesboog

17 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jun 2013

MySpace zaps millions of teens' tearful rants, causes wave of angst

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Re: What you post can vanish at any time...

-geocities: http://www.reocities.com or http://www.geocities.ws/

-fortunecity : http://www.fortunecity.ws/


Disappeard or not that's the question

-http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://myspace.com/* since 1996

- google cache seach both on :http://www.myspace.com/username/blog (site:)

-geocities: http://www.reocities.com or http://www.geocities.ws/

-fortunecity : http://www.fortunecity.ws/

-compuserve: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jsuebersax.index.htm (google cache: site:)

I still have all my emails from 6/22/1996, and all my websites, posts on internet since then, so I use my own

PRISM on those, backups on dvd, hd's and online, am really a backup-junkie.

To find all my websites on archive.org I made a exclusion in robots.txt and .htaccess in all my websites.

Have even most mails and posts on Fido before 1996. (no is no dog ;-) )

Ex-CIA techie Edward Snowden: I am the NSA PRISM deepthroat


Pardon for Edward Snowden on whitehouse site

Pardon for Edward Snowden on whitehouse site


and don't forget



Re: War on Terror or war on us?

And you think they didn't have such spy-progs before 2003?

Why didn't those PREVENT 9/11? Or they just let it go?

Creepy aint it?

Didn't everyone in the world wonder why Superman, Bruce Willis (sorry Bruce), the X-men or another prevent it?

Again WHY George W.


Re: Magister War on Terror or war on us?

>>>>Are you saying that if you had known about the 9/11 attacks in advance you would have just shrugged and said "WTH, it will only be 3,000-odd dead, more than that die on the highways every month"?<<<<

That's just what George W. said...or I'm I being rude now?


Re: War on Terror or war on us?

So you think Muslims are the only problem? Here the only solution, from a Muslim:

http://bsimmons.wordpress.com/2007/07/11/khudayr-taher-europe-and-america-should-deport-all-muslims-including-myself/ 2007 yeah I have my own *Prism*

But I don't think Muslims are the only problem, do you?

Big Brother

Re: Edward Snowden should get 2 Four Freedoms Medals

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. ”

― George Orwell

There's written law and moral law!

Big Brother

Re: Edward Snowden should get 2 Four Freedoms Medals

“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

― George Orwell

Big Brother

Re: Edward Snowden should get 2 Four Freedoms Medals

They seem to want, because they don't know what this sort of goverment wants of them.


War on Terror or war on us?

War on terror: if terrorism is a form of warfare and war terrorizes then exactly what is a war on terror?


Get real:

State Department USA , vicitims 2003 Terrorism 625 people worldwide of which 35 Americans

AIDS 3 million worldwide

cars 43.200 USA alone

So why some much $$^$^$^$ money on terror instead on car/road safety and AIDS??

Why George W. Obama, tell me why ?


Edward Snowden should get 2 Four Freedoms Medals

Edward Snowden who provided the info from NSA should get the Four Freedoms Medal/Award for:

freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world.

freedom from fear — which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor — anywhere in the world.

(From Franklin Delano's Roosevelt's speech to Congress January 6, 1941)

Because like Franklin D. Roosevelt said on March 4, 1933 the Only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

If we should fear our goverments, those are just dictators, and we should get rid of those, everywhere in the world.

Forget phones, PRISM plan shows internet firms give NSA everything


Re: @ MIkel -- I Am Sad

Edward Snowden who provided the info from NSA should get the Four Freedoms Medal/Award for:

freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world.

freedom from fear — which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor — anywhere in the world.

(From Franklin Delano's Roosevelt's speech to Congress January 6, 1941)

Because like Franklin D. Roosevelt said on March 4, 1933 the Only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

If we should fear our goverments, those are just dictators, and we should get rid of those, everywhere in the world.

"And yes, they are reading and indexing your post and mine. Probably the draft submissions too."

So, what?


Re: The world has no democratic countries

English is not my native language that's correct, but that changes nothing on my posts.

A loony bin is a place for people who still believe in the political systems of the world both leftwing or rightwing what you are, you look at it with rose tinted glasses.

Mine is real, documented, where are your documents/links?

http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB177/info_ops_roadmap.pdf was published bij the USA

minister of Defense in 2003 see also http://www.globalresearch.ca/pentagon-the-internet-needs-to-be-dealt-with-as-if-it-were-an-enemy-weapons-system/7980 where I got it from.

In 2011 http://www.businessinsider.com/charts-facts-about-global-wealth-2011-10?op=1#ixzz1eIDTiPIq (you like slides ;-) )and


lead to the http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf from Cornell University Library that BlackRock , State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. rule the world.

About 9/11 http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/a-hidden-world-growing-beyond-control/ from Washington Post

So, WHERE are those dreadfull conspiracy websites/sources in here?

Big Brother

Re: The world has no democratic countries

None, READ the Swiss investigating http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf

as stated they rule the world, not our political leaders, that's just mambojumbo, and that's why they make those ridicilous choices.

Finance minister has meeting every 11 days with Blackrock

http://www.telegraaf.nl/dft/nieuws_dft/article20930674.ece (dutch newspaper)

title newspaper: Minister listens to Blackrock, well that's your upright and unburdened democratically elected politician......

You was one of the thumbs down I assume?

Big Brother

We must fight the Net and all in or on it - Pentagon 2003

We must fight the Net (and all in or on it - Pentagon 2003 pag. 10


Donald Rumsfeld wasn't that the guy who knew for 100% there were WOMD (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq besides oil-wells?

Whether it's ADVISE Carnivore Frenchelon Ivy bells Onyx (interception system), the Swiss "Echelon" equivalent SIGINT intercept database Surveillance or Stellar wind (code name) or similar it's not a matter of defense (protecting a country and its people) but of offense (protecting a countries goverment and interests against it's own and other countries people), and uses a variant of Netmap a data mining program http://www.netmap.com.au/

I use my own version to gather and categorize my own information and posts since the good old days

of 1989 before Internet when all was (RA) BBS en Fidonet and the like.


The world has no democratic countries

Forget democracy, it's corpocracy BlackRock , State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. and their 143 companies rule the world's corporate world so also your world!

n other words, four companies control what you eat, what you drink, what medications you get, which means of transport you drive, what operating system your computer is running, what kind of computer you have, where war is, where is drilled for oil, how your home furnishings is, what's on TV, which films in the cinema run and how much gasoline costs. As mentioned companies want as much as possible wealth and power they want to monitor and control your behaviour and even thoughts.

Read this Swiss investigating http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf



America is the best example of a so-called "democracy", after 9/11 Homeland Security spent a trillion dollars on the war on terrror (Washington Post), not to search for Osama Bin Laden or the perpetrators, because they knew where they were already, but to spy on their own citizens and take their civil rights away. For the U.S. government Osama Inc. is not the enemy it's own citizens, and that's everywhere in the world, but the USA, land of the "free"? is the most explicit example.


What to do? A worldwide boycot of those products and services?

War on terror: if terrorism is a form of warfare and war terrorizes then exactly is a war on terror?