My very first thought upon reading the headline was "Where in Scotland is this chippy?" I was not disappointed.
Posts by fords42
16 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jun 2013
Dine crime: Chippy sells deep fried Xmas dinner
RIP Paul Allen: Microsoft cofounder billionaire dies at 65 after facing third bout with cancer
'Men only' job ad posts land Facebook in boiling hot water with ACLU
Whisky business: Uni of Edinburgh servers Irn-Scru'd by cyber-attack
Edge, Azure and Windows Phone receives a Telegram. Yup, it's the week at Microsoft
British egg producers saddened by Google salad emoji update
User stepped on mouse, complained pedal wasn’t making PC go faster
Ex-Microsoft intern claimed one of her fellow temps raped her. Her bosses hired him
Disk drive fired 'Frisbees of death' across data centre after storage admin crossed his wires
Scotland, now is your time… to launch Brexit Britain into SPAAAACE!
Kubernetes bug ate my banking app! How code flaw crashed Brit upstart
UK's NHS to pilot 'Airbnb'-style care service in homeowners' spare rooms
Sex harassment scandal scoops up Silicon Valley's Slimy Scoble
Software update turned my display and mouse upside-down, says user
More rodent fun
My mum works as a dinner lady and was on an IT 101 course at work, where the instructor showed her team how to access the company intranet and corp email, that sort of thing. Everything is going fine until the instructor asks everyone to move their cursor to the top right of the screen to close Outlook. My mum's colleague (she swears blind this is true) actually picked up her mouse, plonked it into position on the monitor and then complained that nothing was happening. My mum is made of stronger stuff than me and managed to explain to her how a mouse works without sarcasm or anything.