Uber Awesome
As a person that has never used Uber. I do wish they would launch this in South Africa. At the rate they are disrupting the market when will I see UberKittens?
34 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jun 2013
Anyone that understands basic design principles; must surely realise. Hiding basic tasks such as making a shortcut on the desktop (via the Start Screen), hiding shutting option. Not only goes against Windows philosophy but common sense.
Windows 8 isn't the worse OS on the planet, especially if MS were to listen to user feedback. Until then suck it MS
Congratulations Microsoft, you have managed to drive a loyal Xbox gamer back onto Play Station gaming! Sometimes MS I wonder if you actually realise what is going on, when you alienate your customer base what do you think will eventually happen?
Xbox One=Entertainment Center
Play Station 4=Gaming Console
Nuff said!
Unless Apple do something drastic to their Macbook Pro range of laptops. I would expect the release to be a bit well meh.
I have a late 2010 Macbook Pro 13inch and other than Retina I haven't seen much improvements really. I'll keep on using mine for another year or so and then contemplate if I'll get another or move back to a Windows laptop.
A year ago I when I really managed to get into Netflix it was an awesome experience. Catching up on old shows and even at times a kiddies cartoon or two.
Now looking at Netflix with it losing all the streaming rights, the amount of content that has come off already is ridiculous. Here today and gone tomorrow.
I have cancelled my Netflix because of this. Netflix we watch you for the content you put on, not for the "original shows" you stream.
If they do not watch out Amazon might just over shadow them, sooner than later
This product is what Windows 8 should have been when it was released. This makes Windows 8 look like it was a paid for beta when it was released.
Now if only Start Button can actually = Start Menu (we don't need a start menu/screen that takes up a whole screen)
This update might make the much needed improvements to Windows 8, however we will only know once it is released.
Looking forward to testing this though
Regardless of what one thinks of Windows RT. It shocks me that MS didn't include Outlook in the first place. What were they thinking? Of cause want to do emails on a "mobile device" especially those that know Outlook from their work PC's.
I personally advised two people from not purchasing a Windows RT tablet because of lacking Outlook (they are MS Office freaks)
Now please allow some basic macros on this and then it might be more attractive.
Those of us who have to support clients that only run DELL. This is excellent news, although I wish they would spend money on Latitude and Optiplex instead of Vostro range.
Best machines I have ever used are Optiplex and Latitude. Nothing else has come close but Vostro's have always given me problems when I have used them.
These patent wars at the end of the day affect us the consumers. If companies would innovate, look after their current customers than arguing small semantics in court. Then we might actually see proper progress.
Ever since iPhone 4 and Galaxy SIII both companies seemed to have slowed down their innovative pace.
Name one alternative package to Outlook (Evolution) doesn't count. How about a product that is polished and on par with iWorks/MS Office? Alternative doesn't necessarily mean better, and still to this day I haven't seen a proper "alternative" to Active Directory.
"If you really think that "we" have some kind of desperate need to entice Windows and OSX users to switch sides, you're entirely mistaken..."
Nope I don't think that at all, I was referring to the article published.
Personally I don't care what OS people use.
I use Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
An idea that almost seems alien to people!
It is not an OS that makes it viable to users. It is the software that runs on it.
If the Linux community would release more alternative software that was on par with its WIndows OS X counterparts more people would use it. This type of common sense no one seems to get.
Do you think so many people would use OS X if it didn't have an array or decent applications? Same can be said for Windows.
To be frank Ubuntu has made Linux more mainstream (calm down Android fanboi's I am talking in a different context)
If Mark wants Ubuntu to take off, then more Unity crap isn't the way to do it.
Do the following few things
1) Bring out a Office Package for Linux (no not Libre Office) that is on par with at least Office 2011 for Mac
2) Bring out a proper mail application (no Thunderbird doesn't count) even better if it can connect to EWS
3) Easier Active Directory integration
Unity, Amazon Searches are not the way to do it!
Does anyone else think that Fedora is a steaming pile of crap. Each time I have used Fedora from 15 to 18 I have always managed to break yum.
Then fixing it always seems to be more trouble than it is worth. Pitty in many aspects I prefer Fedora to Ubuntu but as my hatred for RPM's is strong I'll stick with apt distro's
As a long time Linux user/lover I decided yesterday was the day I was going to convert my TV PC (desktop machine connected to my TV) from Windows 8 to Linux Mint
*Ok fine I first tried to make it a Hackentosh, almost worked btw*
Mint 15 works quite well, however precompiled packages of Airvideo Server, Splashtop Streamer don't work correctly in Ubuntu 13.04/Mint 15. Not to mention I somehow buggered up my Samba sharing.
Long story short on my TV PC I will leave it with Windows 8 (with enough security protection to make Nasa blush)
My point Mint you are almost there, you can see the finish line but need more refinement.
Well as a long time Windows user, administrator, support engineer. I have come to the conclusion that MS is losing its mind.
Improved features in Windows 8 and Server 2012 are ignored because they both look like it was dreamt up by a elephant that uses a Mac while on LSD
MS if you continue like this I will eventually have to move away, at least now I'll still have a job even if it is telling people how to shutdown a machine
*Thanks MS*
Why on earth should we care what this man has to say? He doesn't work for MS anymore and therefore is irrelevant.
I don't for one minute believe he was sorely responsibly for the death of StartMenu, surely there are a board of people. There must have been one person who said, WTF are you guys nuts we will piss off our user base?
His best work had to be Windows 7, or Vista SP3