The really short answer to what I'm missing
iOS 6
127 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2013
... here on earth we're hyping cloud computing.
Anyways - as stars ignite when gravity is balanced with the outward radiation force, why are some stars much much larger than, say, our sun?
Could it be something with the conditions in which they're born - like being shot out of a star cannon or some equally awesome place, as opposed to peacefully accumulating stuff from a gas cloud and then igniting when the time is right?
As a colleague once said: "you write in C and debug in assembly".
That held true once when a simple C case structure failed for no apparent reason, but only on hardware. By inspecting the assembler code, it turned out the compiler had made an error, but the simulator had the exact same flaw that cancelled the error out in the simulation.
Just wait until the AIoT ... the artificial intell ... oh, you know what I mean.
"Apple sells high margin hardware and x3 supermarket margin on iTunes sales. So Apple doesn't need advertising at all."
Which of course only applies until competition forces Apple to lower their iThing margins, at which time they have the data ready for unpolluting and subsequent mining.
"... you have to pull up the app store ..."
... which is as clunky as iTunes and as slow as Windows Update to actually show what's up.
To be fair, I'll probably live with those inconveniences for a while longer, because the one thing Apple has really nailed is backup. Time Machine has saved my butt more than once. Never got backup to work properly on Windows and certainly not as smoothly as Time Machine does it.
But I digress ...
Have a thumbs up and let's all celebrate the fact that it's Friday.
Having used a Mac since 1993 and having an all-Mac household I may qualify as a diehard, but the name of the OS is utterly insignificant and any traces of Siri will be turned off as the first thing.
Getting their cloud services to work properly and allowing me to kill the daily update reminders would be a great way to make me stop considering another platform.
Not a Windows user, but a grumpy old man. Harumpf!
Confirmation is (or was) not enough to protect you from me.
Back in the days of floppy disks, I was learning how to use the DOS commands by doing. Deleting multiple files using wild cards (like file*.* or file*.dat) was handy until I wanted to delete a number of files ENDING with the same characters.
I told the OS to delete *file.* and was asked to confirm.
Yes, dammit, that's what I typed, wasn't it?
... and the disk was empty.
I would have liked a couple of those "Are you really, really ..."
"I've never realized how unstable that house of cards had grown"
That's nothing.
Try working in Xcode on a Mac more than one week old with iTunes running in the background. To me that's proof that the 2nd law of thermodynamics also applies to software.
At times like that I think Douglas Adams was right - we should probably never have come down from the trees.
Have one on me, everyone.
"Boffins might guess with limited data but it's still a guess (and conviently keeps them employed for a few more years)"
And for the next 5 million years boffins will keep guessing, and finally someone will come up with the right answer.
It *will* be 42.
And we will realise that all that time we didn't really know the question ...
Come one, people. The probe is 2.95 billion miles away. Try it yourself with a twisted pair phone cable and see what bit rate you get.
Once again astronomy baffles me:
" Without the course correction, New Horizons would have been 20 seconds late, and 114 miles (184 kilometres) off the planned route"
20 seconds late?
114 miles off?
After travelling 2.95 beeellion miles?
And they know that and fix it by speeding up a bit?
Here's to the boffins that do the math.
Expect the ad agencies to come up with "ingenious" new ways to bypass ad blockers and the like some time soon.
I blacklist entire "gunslinging" domains using a hosts file on my computer.
I'd like to be able to do that on the phone also. Much more efficient.
"Apple's design gurus are also said to be stumped at the challenge of finding anything exciting to do with an idiot-box ..."
You know, with the seemingly eternal re-runs on almost every channel and mindless overdramatization of most "documentaries" these days, I'm sort of struggling with that myself.