* Posts by Jim Corrado

3 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2007

Fox News: Filthier than the internet

Jim Corrado
Black Helicopters

Re: Odd

Nip slips and profanity are verboten in the states because the airwaves are controlled by the government and regulated by the FCC, who in turn is run by political appointees of the current administration. The beef is that the profanity and images of naughty parts would be able to be seen by kiddies... and because parents abdicate responsibility to TV without supervision, those same asshats get upset when they see something Junior shouldn't see. And yes, these are the same asshats that voted for Bush Jr. and he acts accordingly.

But the real root cause of the censorship is because the pilgrims left merry ol' England because you all were (are?) a bunch of sinners. We've loosened up a bit, but there are still enough vocal zealots that cause the politicians to scurry around when they whine.

But you are in error when you claim we can't say crap about the mentally defective pseudo-emperor we have elected. See? I just did it. Same goes with religious preference.

Galileo scepticism rife even in Brussels

Jim Corrado

Oh please...

As to the plan to pay for replacement satellites and have EU control of those, consider this: if you do that, unless you pay for enough of them to form your own constellation, if the majority of the constellation is taken off line, you're still SOL.

As to the intentional inaccuracy in civilian models, that reasoning is just as valid in the EU as it is for the USA: Do you want Al Queda, Bader Meinhof, ETA, etc... be able to have ultra-accurate GPS that could be tied into weapons?

If you want to think that our investment (and justifiable control) over GPS could be taken away from you, you're right... they are our toys and we can take them and go home if we choose.

But consider how realistic is the scenario that US-EU relations deteriorate to the point of our withdrawl of GPS data? At that level of relations, wouldn't we also withdraw from NATO? You've got bigger problems than GPS to deal with at that point. I wouldn't think it is worth the millions of Euros (or Pounds from the UK) to enable some level of European control... just not a high enough probability of US cutting you off.

Dell delays filing fiscal reports...again

Jim Corrado

Accounting errors...

... like charging £14 for a USB cable?