Re: An easy e-bay rule/message for auctions closing over £x
... then you'd see the scams change the price of the item to just under the threshold.
You *cannot* code around stupidity/common sense.
38 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2007
Andrew Bolton:
"I remember seeing something similar in a car TV program years ago - evolution of tracker type system, but operator could actually talk to the thief, and even lock them in the car after stopping it. Which I thought was quite cool :)"
I also remember a tv program recently that tricked crims into doing crimes. There was a car left for a couple of thieves to nick, but it had been modified to lock the doors and then spray cream all over the criminals. All the fun was captured on camera!Can't wait for this to be an optional extra!
Isn't this one of the reasons the UN was created for?
It cannot be right that Russia and China have blocked the resolution to do something about this (though the something might only have been to say "Stop doing this"). "Internal issue only" - pah!
I find it amazing that we (UK) can go to war on a dubious reason, but we fail to do anything about these atrocities!
Damn! WaveyDavey beat me to it!
(Note, not an exact quote here)
"So, what you're saying, right, is that it's a disc. Underneath that are 4 elephants. The 4 elephants stand on a turtle. What does the turtle stand on?"
"Another turtle."
"And what does that stand on?"
"It's turtles all the way down."
Has the London congestion scheme proved successful? I can't comment,as I don't live there. If it has, then why not roll it out to the rest of the UK? Congestion IS a problem. The current method (tax on fuel) doesn't seem to work (and look at what happened a few years' ago), and extra road building is NOT the answer (within a short period the extra space fills up).
I'm a motorist myself, and drive roughly 12k miles a year. I can't think of an alternative. In principle I would be for this idea of Pay as You Go.
What I would be more interested in, is the method used for charging. Let's forget about a GPS-based system, and look to alternatives. What's the method used in London? Number plate recognition (reasonably well-proven)? Or something else. It's new technologies on a national scale that the Government aren't good at producing.
Lee, Manchester
(Well, I can hope it's the last word, eh!)
The way I interpreted the statement 'Standards [...] were different then' was that Stephen was saying 'in the past, standards were different' rather than a qualitative statement. In other words, his original sentence was correct.