* Posts by Scott Coe

9 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2007

North Carolina targets WTF licence plates

Scott Coe

Here in The South

Things work differently, er . . . strangely. Not only has WTF been taken out, but so has XXX.


I grew up here, but moved back last year after living in New York city for 10 years. Geeeez, things are sooooo provencial. I laugh at ordinary citizens complete ignorance every day. I need to get on back up to NY. This place is weird.

Confidential Home Office data turns up in laptop on eBay

Scott Coe


What user stores a CD UNDER the keyboard? Ho many screws had to be removed to take out the keyboard? This sounds fishy. Possibly an attempt by the HO to demonstrate that they have cleaned up their act re: data security? What better way than to flog a lappy on eBay with a hidden prize. Like a box of cereal.

Amazon pooh-poohs (ingenious) New York net tax plan

Scott Coe

Spitzer is Spitzing off yet again

Really, with trooper gate, telling the legislature he was a "steam roller", Spitzer is just spitzing off at the mouth again, without regard to reality OR common sense. He was a really good attorney general, but as a governor he is just a total failure.

Attorneys General get to ram things down peoples throats, governors need to have a little more tact than he has shown so far in his tenure.

eBay's dotcom survivor boss to quit auctioneering

Scott Coe

This is good news . . .

Good riddence to bad rubbish. ANYBODY could do a better job than our old Meg has. I'm sure the pasture she's going to will be very green, though.

Kid's 'new' MP3 player was preloaded with smut

Scott Coe

Very common practice

Looks like WalMart has taken a page out of NewEgg's "Revenue Maximazation" training manual for employees. This has happened to me so much at NewEgg, I no longer shop there. Out of 14 orders placed during 2006, 4 of the products were obviously repackaged returns. This situation was confirmed when calling the manufacturer of a video card who informed me that the cards' serial number had already been registered.

The surprising part was the video card manufacturer telling me to contact NewEgg for an exchange and that they really had no procedure in place for dealing with shady dealers. They agreed it was a valid concern, but could care less about taking info and contacting NewEgg directly. I don't buy video cards from this manufacturer anymore.

The retail marketplace will shout "Caveat Emptor". Buyers of repackaged product need to inform the retailers "Caveat Venditor". This illustrates the problem with the US economy, the corporations have waaaay to much arrogance and power to do as they feel, and to heck with the law. Things seem to be a little more civilized in the UK about such matters. The Trading Standards are actually in place to protect the consumer from dodgy retailers. Fancy that!

Microsoft spits out final XP service pack, beta version

Scott Coe

Just In Time For The Holidays

"Windows XP SP3 does not bring significant portions of Windows Vista functionality to Windows XP." That's the best news I've heard out of Redmond in quite some time.

Yes, Virginia, there [b]IS[\b] a Santa Claus!

Microsoft punts web-based apps to the masses

Scott Coe

Man, I want . . .

. . .what the vole is smoking! They obviously have a corporate supplier for some really great smoke. If they are going to continue business in this fashion, they need to share with the entire class so we, the customer, can at least begin to understand where these idiots are coming from.

Oklahoma woman takes sue happy RIAA to the bank

Scott Coe

Politicians as Remedy?

Writing to the politicians doesn't do a damn thing in this country any more. Across the political spectrum politicians vote how they want to and damn the constiuents. Action will only happen when Joe Q Public gets so pi**ed off that his gas now costs $10 a gallon, that he'll march on Washingon. The corporate structure has a complete stranglehold on the political apparatus in this country. Workers of the US Unite!

Dinner party guest makes gruesome discovery

Scott Coe

I Blame George W Bush

He is at the root of all evil these days. Didier was so obviously unhappy at the way things are turning out in Iraq.