Re: This can be summed up in one word: Profit
They only have USB-C now and are all the crapper for it.
(It may say thunderbolt 3 but it is just physically USB 3 with the possibilityy of an adaptor)
209 publicly visible posts • joined 29 May 2013
I have a late i7 2013 Macbook Pro. It was £1700 but a gift upon parting previous employment. It is still pretty much instant in everything I ask it to do. It has only had a new battery that was £27 from Aliexpress. 20 Years ago, PCs were utter junk after 3 years, the beige plastic all yellow, like a hoover bag inside and all the new software was incompatible or ran like a dog. If god forbid anything happenned to it, I would not be able to afford a new one and so would if possible repair this from used parts. A new one would not be much faster it would just be a bit thinner, have fewer ports, more energy efficient and eco whatever biodegradable butterfly keyboard.
There is a video on Youtube where an Automotive Engineering Consultant strips a BMW i3, Leaf and Tesla (not sure which one) He came to the conclusion that the Tesla motor, batteries and some other tech stuff and 10-20 years ahead of the others, but everything else, such as the bodyshell and doors are terribly designed, heavy and complex to make and from many parts and using way to may types of fastenings. Eg there was a Tesla wheel well made of 20 heavy parts with glue, rivets, welding etc... and a BMW one of thee welded parts that was lighter and stronger and cheaper to make.
The conclusion was that Tesla should have already paired with a big established automaker.
I'm a live and let live kind of guy and I don't agree with this censorship.
Also, what is officially deemed offensive is a list that grows daily.
I don't use Spotify much and only have the free version and I see some really old songs have been removed from playlists because of this. They still exist padding the playlist but the artist and song name are blank and they don't play.
I would have expected Just Eat to mask your phone number from the grubby takeaways by acting as a go-between for messages, a bit like how Amazon and ebay mask the buyer and seller's email addresses in email corresponsance - not just from a privacy standpoint but to stop takeaways from direct selling after first introduction.
Very bad.
We work in IT - we all know the EU's smart meter roll-out is about remote disconnection for enforced austerity and future sustainability rationing and tariff-shaping - want to cook your sunday dinner before dinner-time, ooohh gonna have to pay for that. Want a fan heater on when it's cold, sorry, so does everyone else, gonna have to pay for that.
The customer is in a 360˚ lose-lose situation.
The mainstream media is dead because it lies, it no longer has the narrative, it published fake polls, is is hypocritical and selective. It just repeats 'releases' from news clearing houses AP & Reuters and there is no investigative journalism. Don't even get me started on the collusion with crime families exposed by wikileaks. People are sick of it.
The Koran is stillf or sale on their site and includes the following commands...
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4 2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves, Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30 3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34 4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13 5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57 6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4 7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims. Guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111 8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89 9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4 10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Allah. Koran 9:5 11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60 12. Thou shall Steal & Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War) 13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106 14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216 15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51 16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106 17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures with NO mercy. Koran 98:6 18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101 19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29 20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
That's exactly how they already work already when bound to Microsoft AD and enrolled in Apple Profile Manager with suitable settings applied for AD users, AD groups, PM computer groups etc...
"I'd quite like Macs to just log you in (from any authenticated source), create a default profile, give the user mapped drives and printers,"
Imagine you are the one of those 6 year old kids in Podesta's emails, locked in a dark room on Epstein Island's Babylonian Temple mockup when the door opens and there is Hillary with a knife grinning like a joker and getting ready for a spirit cokking party with Huma, the Podestas, Abramovic et al.. Imagine the terror you would feel.
These satanic elites deserve to be tortured.
It was NYPD who did a proper investigation and uncovered the emails, disgusting 'spirit cooking' images and videos of the worst kind imaginable.
It was the DoJ who ordered the NYPD to stand down on Friday and to cancel the press conference but there is mutiny going on within rank and file and it is coming out but not in the mainstream media.