* Posts by RealFred

173 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2013


Barmy Army to get Wi-Fi to the seat for cricket's Ashes


In 1882 Australia, then a lowly and rough-house colony, defeated the motherland England at cricket. Wags in Blighty published a fake death notice for English cricket, declaring its Ashes would be taken to Australia for burial. The idea caught on and the two nations have competed for The Ashes ever since.

And the Poms have been sooking about losing that game ever since

ENTIRE NBN BOARD offers to walk the plank: report


Re: Rupert will save us all !!

Remember the filtering debacle the Labor government tried to foist on us. Their version would probably require we submit to their filtering because they own it. Remember it was "to protect the children"

Microsoft announces iPad amnesty for fanbois


Re: has anyone actually USED a Surface?

except for ipads and apple gear

Assange fails in bid for election to Australian Senate


The best thing to Come out of the election

Is that Assange didn't get a seat. He is a self serving egotistical moron who believes that everyone's private information (except his) is fair game. He wants the whole world to be run as he would like it. We just got rid of one egotistical moron in government. We don't need to replace him with another.

Australia's opposition cuts funds to IT research outfit


Re: LNP policy

Stop chanting slogans. They make you appear stupid and uninformed, while not adding anything meaningful to the conversation. Name some things that the Research Organisation have produced to bolster your argument.

Didn't think so

Deloitte research says NBN a winner for households


The issue with the NBN is that the government controls the company that will run it. We have a company at the moment that people loathe, that was once owned by the government and then privatised, except that the government still has a 51% share in it and still can't run the fucking company properly.

Remember the Internet filter, the Government will use the NBN as a lever to get it in place finally (can you say NSA). Let private enterprise build the NBN equivalent

Intermedia's Exchange hive goes titsup ... and no one's answering calls


unticked the wrong box


The hammer falls: Feds propose drastic controls on Apple's iTunes Store


Re: Dream list by dreamers

They just did, and they won

Australia threatens Adobe, Apple, with geo-blocking ban


Re: Grey importing??

don't threaten us like that or we'll continue sending Neighbors and Prisoner

Fanbois get Outlook app for iOS, but only if they sign up for Office 365


Re: Translation...

And how is this different from many of the other apps on there that give you the app for free but charge you to use the backend services

IQ test: 'Artificial intelligence system as smart as a four year-old'


I think AI will reach its potential when the soccer robots fall over after a collision, grab their ankle and roll around on the ground. We will then know that it has reached the intelligence of a Division 1 soccer player, which is probably around the 10 year old mark.

Americans attempt to throw off oppressive, unresponsive rulers on 4th of July


Re: Yesterday was more important

Whats a duck doing running that fast

Intel rumored to plunk $10bn down for Israeli fab expansion


Why not keep this investment in US jobs

LinkedIn DNS hijacked, site offline


Re: Sounds like -

and other bs artists

Users rage as Fasthosts virtual servers go titsup... again


Re: correction

Or a good scotch

Vodafone Oz launches '100 Mbps' 4G service


Re: I'll go first - what's the point of LTE?

That might be fine if the vendor had good coverage, but Vodfones coverage is crap, even in capital cities.


Vodafone should just die already

Moved all business services away from Vodafone a few years ago. Their service is crap, their corporate billing system is crap and this new service will be like putting lipstick and a dress on a pig

Australia shuts up shop for tech temps


Only tourists and people who don't know better buy fresh fruit and vegetables from Coles and Woolies. The locals get their fresh food elsewhere. Maybe you all should get out of the cities and actually take a look around Australia. Sydney is for tourists and fools.


typical poms, whinge, whinge whinge. You must have been shopping in the city. No-one pays $3 for a lime, unless you're a tourist. At least we can get fresh vegetables and decent food here, unlike in old blighty, where the food is stodgy and so are the people.


Just as well

And its about time. There are numerous layoffs of IT Workers happening and been happening over the last 6 months. Get the ones made redundant working and then start thinking about bringing in outside workers, not before. The skills shortages that businesses have been bullshitting about is rubbish, all they want to do is offshore for cheaper labour and not invest in their workforce. Its now coming back to bite them in the arse as consumers don't want to talk with people who they can hardly understand

Phones for the elderly: Testers wanted for senior service


Great Idea

What a great idea. I have my wife's number on my mobile phone under wife and I press the button and it calls her. I don't know what her mobile number is and I don't really care, I can reach her easily. If I have an accident, all someone has to do is to look for wife on my contact list and they can phone her. As I am nearly 60 years old and have a few friends who are older, having a service like this that they can just call their son or daughter would make their lives really easy. Its also a really good idea if someone could pick up the mobile and easily contact a relative of the person who owns the phone in the case of an accident. I don't live in the Uk, but I see that a service like this would have many benefits.
