Because it didn't fit in with the hivethink on ElReg. You created a disturbance in the force by pointing this out
Posts by RealFred
173 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2013
How much is Microsoft earning from its Android taxes again?
Third patch brings more admin Shellshock for the battered and Bashed
Opposition: we passed Australia's 'spook's charter' on PURPOSE
Re: Mark 65 needs to take a chill pill
What rubbish. It may be Ok to do now, but all bets are off if, in the future, its either not legal or frowned upon. Both parties need to get their f*cking noses out of our business. We supposedly live in a democratic country where there is freedom of speech. They have now taken that away. The journalists are just as bad, in that they have just rolled over and accepted it. When the next election comes around I won't be voting for either Labor or Liberal. I'll use my vote to try to disrupt these arseholes as much as I can. The greens can get f*cked as well
iPAD-FONDLING fanboi sparks SECURITY ALERT at Sydney airport
Brandis: NO LIMIT to ASIO network taps
Google grand fromage Eric Schmidt: Backing climate denier lobby a 'mistake'
'Windows 9' LEAK: Microsoft's playing catchup with Linux
Microsoft tells judge: Hold us in contempt of court, we're NOT giving user emails to US govt
NBN Co correction: We're rubbish at broadband rollout and NEVER improved
Your comment about News Corp also applies to Fairfax press, Independent, Never. You only have to read their paper to realise their agenda is to take anyones side except for the government, hide the shit that labor left behind and censor comments left in articles on their news columns. They employ left lurching columnists, that can only see their labor Gods.
Why do we need the government to build our communications network. Surely thats a shortcut to a surveillance state. I don't believe any government should own any communications infrastructure, as it makes it too easy to monitor what the population is doing. We should be letting private enterprise build it. That will produce competition, cheaper prices and better infrastructure.
China: You, Microsoft. Office-Windows 'compatibility'. You have 20 days to explain
Oz biz regulator discovers shared servers in EPIC FACEPALM
ISIS terror fanatics invade Diaspora after Twitter blockade
NBN Co claims 96 mbps download speeds for FTTN trial
And considering that the labor government made promises they couldn't keep and ballsed up the whole thing. You only have to read the news to find out that Rudd flew by the seat of his pants, scribbled plans on the back of napkins and allowed the SMH to report what a wonderful thing the NBN was going to be. No wonder the SMH is called shake my head, the whole organisation is a disaster thats losing money and looking to offload some of its assets in order to keep its head above water.
Microsoft refuses to nip 'Windows 9' unzip lip slip
Munich considers dumping Linux for ... GULP ... Windows!
Re: I smell a shill
What, because they've dared criticise your holy grail. It hasn't worked for Munich because of a whole lot of reasons, be they technical or operational. Instead of seeing if the problem can be fixed, the Open Source crowd bitch and moan about everything and point the finger. I suggest they start looking at their software and give it the functionality that people want/need.
Microsoft cries UNINSTALL in the wake of Blue Screens of Death™
Intel launches Internet of Stuff Parkinson's research project
How to promote CSIRO's ICT in Schools in your community
You may also want to correct some of the facts,
there are ample numbers of skilled IT graduates and experienced workers that don't have jobs in IT and can't get jobs in IT because of offshoring.
Working with teachers in schools is not for the feint-of-heart. Once you get around their attitude of they know everything and you know nothing because you're not a teacher, you may make some inroads. If it requires that teachers have to give over control of something, it will never happen. If they have to change how they teach, it will never happen because most of them are still stuck in the "stand at the front of the class and lecture students" mode of teaching.
How do I know this, I worked at a school in IT for 10 years.
The CSIRO should do something worthwhile with its time and money.
Australia's metadata debate is an utter shambles
Re: Tony Abbott should listen to himself
Please include the whole quote
"I have no doubt that the civil libertarian brigade will do their best to stop this, but my responsibility as prime minister is to keep our country safe. That's my responsibility, and all the expert advice from every single counter-terrorist agency is that this information is absolutely essential if we are to maintain our vigilance against terrorist activity"
And the civil libertarian group should do all they can to stop this, along with our support. The government is still trying to get this shit made into law, even though 2 successive governments have tried and failed and a third one is trying. I was listening to the radio the other day and the general comment was "if you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear", and thats from the public. You're right, we are screwed but the rest of the population will take us down with them. The politicians won't do it on their own.
Help Australia's PM and attorney-general to define metadata
You would think that with the articles that have been published by El Reg about Australia and the attempted metadata collection by the pollies, that the Brits wouldn't have the same thing place. Sorry but GB is the most watched, recorded and surveilled country on earth. Perhaps you should be looking in your own backyard and fixing them before commenting on things from another country
Re: and our beloathed PM
And the idiots in the Labor party will need to vote against this legislation or otherwise they can be seen to be agreeing with it. You forgot that the labor loonies tried the same thing when they were in power, but fortunately got beaten by the ISPs and others. Conroy and his religious mates tried the old "think of the children" speil, which fortunately fell on deaf ears. Howard already tried the terrorist approach and lost
New iGasm: Apple to unveil not one but TWO iPhone 6 models on 9 Sept
Vulture South wants FORTY of you to go BACK TO SCHOOL
I worked in IT at a school for over 10 years. The first thing you battle is "you're not a teacher so what do you know", followed by "we all need to have unfettered access to everything, bugger security", followed by "little Johnny smashed his laptop and needs a new one now, why don't you have spare ones"
The one that really got to me was, "its not my job to make sure the kids don't do anything to the computers, projectors or any other pieces of equipment in the classroom", but the most famous one was "it all should just work. I shouldn't have to turn the power on for the projector"
So no, I don't think I'll be offering my services, thanks very much.