* Posts by sena.akada

18 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2013

El Reg mulls entering Robot Wars arena


Re: Deadline

Just wrap a staff member in tinfoil, arm him or her with a tin opener, and let the NHS worry about the rest. Job done.

Paris terror attacks: ISPs face pressure to share MORE data with governments


So in a very rough nutshell, they plan to protect citizen's right to free speech by further eroding citizen's rights to privacy.

Net neutrality foes outspent backers by over three to one – and that's just so far


Lobbying by commercial entities should be made illegal.

Real, hovering SPEEDER BIKE can be YOURS for cheaper than a house


Where's the speed part of that 'speeder' bike video?

Surprise! Google chairman blasts EU's privacy ruling


God forbid they have to comply with the law. Poor babies x :'(

Philips lobs patent sueball at Nintendo in US: Seeks to BAN Wii U


'a user interface system based on pointing device'. That patent very obviously states that a camera is part of their system, which the Wii most certainly doesn't use. However, the patent system in the U.S is so messed up it will probably fly. The situation in the E.U isn't much better, and when you're only slightly better than something than the U.S, that's a sad state of affairs,

Nintendo says sorry, but there will be NO gay marriage in Tomodachi Life ... EVER


Re: BREAKING NEWS! NAMBLA to sue Nintendo for not including their chosen lifestyle in-game.

Can't believe I googled that sh*t.


More QQing from the gay lobby.

Microsoft bans XXXXBOX gamers for CURSING in online combat


Just another reason not to buy an Xbox One! :)

Windows 8.1: Read this BEFORE updating - especially you, IT admins


I'll stick with Ubuntu 12.04...

City of Munich throws Ubuntu lifeline to Windows XP holdouts



.. I started using Ubuntu in 2008 when I got a new PC pre-installed with Vista. It's been my main OS on and off since then. In that time I've learnt some things;

* AMD's Catalyst graphics drivers for Ubuntu are utter crap (Nvidia's are pretty rock solid IME though).

* WIFI never really works properly (especially RealTek). I just tether through my phone's WIFI nowadays.

* KDE is very buggy. Try running Kubuntu and see how many segmentation faults you encounter.

* Canonical seem only to happy to drag its users through whatever half-finished idea they toss out (ala Unity circa 2010-2011).

* They're are way to many fucking distros. Choice is great, too much choice is irritating & confusing.

* Installing drivers is way to difficult for noobies. Want to install that latest Nvidia graphics driver because a certain Steam game needs it? Hope you enjoy - CTRL + ALT + F1 -> sudo bash (enter password) -> service lightdm stop -> cd /home/username/Downloads -> sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-xxx.xx-pkg1.run -> follow onscreen prompts (some confusing to a noobie) -> reboot. Oh, but when you run the update manager & install a new kernel, then reboot, be prepared for a borked system because you forgot uninstall the fucking driver before rebooting. Vs download, press next a few times, reboot (Windows).

Linux still has some MAJOR issues.

Snowden journalist's partner gave Brit spooks passwords to seized files


If I was Mr Miranda, I would have refused to hand over the passwords and done a little porridge. The reputational damage & international pressure it would have caused to/on the U.K, would have been just what is needed to help bring more focus to the horrible situation we have going on with our 'friends' across the pond.

They don't recognise us as HUMAN: Disability groups want CAPTCHAs killed


FUCK CAPTCHAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAR ON PORN: UK flicks switch on 'I am a pervert' web filters


So for 'simulated' & 'extreme' read consenting & undefined? The first steps on a slippery path..

Google flings another £1m at online child sex abuse vid CRACKDOWN


Here we go..

Yep, here we bloody go. It starts off about child porn, and now it's on to 'hate speech'. What next? Governments just cannot be trusted with this stuff can they? Ugh..

Reports: New Xbox could DOOM second-hand games market


Re: @Greg J Preece

Except this is missing some obvious points. If we are talking about purely physical copies, then they HAVE been paid for at some point. The developer is expecting to get paid twice for the same (physical) thing. Online passes had a more legitimate standing than this. At least with those you were paying solely for the right to access online content that costs the developers/publishers money to run (servers, bandwidth etc). This is "please pay us again for something that's already been paid for", and if the £35 is true, they really are more deluded than I already thought.