* Posts by ambradley

1 publicly visible post • joined 22 May 2013

'Ultimate nerd chick’ prompts C64 clone cancellation


Re: A modern C64

It's called the "1541 Ultimate II". It plugs into the cartridge port, accepts a microSD card, emulates a number of cartridges, connects to the IEC bus via the standard cable, and can coexist with other daisy chained devices. I just got one a few weeks ago and it works as advertised. Cheaper than that are the SD2IEC cards that plug into the IEC bus and use the tape port or an external power supply for power. The 1541 Ultimate II does not require additional power.

You can also buy JiffyDOS chips for the computers and drives on eBay, which improves drive performance as well as automatically adding DOS wedge commands. The 1541 Ultimate II can also be used with JiffyDOS; the primary advantage being no need for a 1541 or disk swaps.