Max iPad
Your kidding right?
60 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2013
It makes you wonder whether it should be down to the site owners to set policy's like this at all.
Considering the information on people on facebook is so extensive, I would expect that a government team for such vast sites should exist in the first place.
It should be reacting to requests to change the policy's, not reacting after they are pushed through!!
I mean, my driving license means the DVLA has all my info, if they decided to share it with the world (drivebook lol) they are bound by the UK governments policys - so why shouldn't facebook?
Our info, our policys.
WOW half of all robberies in San Francisco are smartphones? I find this shocking.
Not sure about the fix to stop the problem though, where does that put the likes of ebay purchased second hand phones and such? Seems like many legitimate dealers would find them selves at a huge loss one day if somthing like this was to come in.
Microsoft have really stuffed up with this 8/8.1 and surface debacle.
One and a half grand for a late, slow tablet thats behind devices that were out a year ago.... Bring nothing new to the table(t), and expect cues around the corner.
Take a page from apples book M$, make next years tech this year, not last years tech this year. Wheres that roll eyes emote thingy :P
This is basically the difference between normal florescent lights, and ones with all the reflective slats that burn our retinas daily.
Im really surprised this sort of idea wasnt implemented from the start, then again i bet they were just happy to finally receive decent electrical energy from sunlight to bother to refine the design much.
Im a fan of real buttons on my phones. Still using a HTC desire-Z and loving it, battery still good and i still get to see my whole screen AND have an entire qwerty keyboard - rather than a screen with more pixels than ive had hot dinners and the battery the size of a song birds bladder.
I hope they (HTC or anyone else) make a new one.... But apart of thinner and lighter i cant think of anything its missing, perhaps an impossibly overkill camera would be nice :)
Hack is already a game.
I played a hacking game year sbefore this one and im still uninterested and useless at real world hacking.
Dont forget the billions(?) of people playing FPS games every day that work normal jobs and are perfectly safe and sane.
Just more "oh noes our jobs might get harder" panic rabble.
Ive got into the loud, abrupt world-is-ending blast of an alarm - it wakes me up instantly and i can turn it off within a few seconds. My gf however, seems to be able to ignore it completely for about 10-20 seconds before she really wakes up.
As long as i hit the STFU button fast enough, all is well.
Good luck :)
In my humble opinion - what M$ did with the new windows from the start was cramming an upgrade to a great solid platform like 7 for desktops and laptops AND making a leap into the tablet world - And the part they messed up was having a choice about using either, or a mash up of both.
Ive used windows 8 on a touch screen laptop and its a nice mix, you get to use touch intuitively and yet still get most things done as normal with a mouse/trackpad and keyboard.
All they had to do was ask when you start your machine up, "would you like computer mode, tablet mode or a mix"
People like options if they are RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU, why not make them available.
Forcing new trends with your flagship OS on users who have been clicking for decades was bound for failure.
Well im happy with it.
Think of all the crimes they have stopped. Oh wait they havnt stopped shit have they? I bet they are selling their findings to the highest bidder.
metadata on that scale you could track ALL KINDS of patterns to SELL MORE SHIT to people.
dO NOT SAY ITS About anti terror because terrorists dont use the fucking internet to chat on fucking MSN jesus titty fucking christ people.
Ahhh i remember that few months in 1997 when i grabbed a pre pre pre pre release trail version (i think about 15 minutes of game play) and i played it and played it and played over and over, unfortunately i was 14 and my money was my parents money - playing this demo so much convinced them at the cost of the full game, the 18 rating were not suitable and the fact they wouldn't see me for months smashing into little heads and shoulders constantly was a bad thing......
well i still got to cane that demo AND LOVED IT.
Upgrading mobile phone networks and i can tell you that there were rumors of possible hardwired spy tech in the exchange equipment. The equipment was units like the mDSLAM which is a load and connection hardware management of many user connections to the main internet back bones etc (sort of a modem of modems) and other critical data handling devices.
I dont know who started the rumors but it was one shared by the CEO of the mobile site contractor company i was working for (who met with the Huawei top business men many times).
remeber, that was ten years before any of the NSA spy stuff was confirmed.
Fuss over nothing.
Do you think everyone has an infinite supply of everything all the time?
Me "hello, I want to buy a cheap slab"
them "Hi Sir, we have run out im sorry, would you like to buy one of the more expensive ones we do have in stock?"
me "no thanks i just wanted the good value cheap one, bye"
them "okay sir, no problem, laters geezer"