* Posts by TheDysk

23 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2013

Music lovers move to block Phil Collins' rebirth


Non Story?

Isn't this a bit of a non-story? So what if someone wants to raise a petition to stop Phil Collins from making a comeback. It's not like it will make any difference for them. They may get a few signatures but ultimately any such petition will be ignored.

Personally I like Phil Collins, Genesis and all sorts of music from the 70's and 80's but don't feel the need to push my personal likes or dislikes onto other people. Not everyone is a fan but so what?

Caption this: WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


Dave unwrapped his new thumb controller joystick and smiled nervously. He realised that everything looks smaller in the adverts.


John smiled as he spotted the newly installed big 'Do Not Press' button.


Tom realised that his newly invented laser razor blade was going to need some work on miniaturisation.

Another chance to win a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive


That's the last time Jane will ever ask for a Web Crawler to help her internet research.

DON'T PANIC: Facebook returns after 30-minute outage terror


"DON'T PANIC: Facebook returns after 30-minute outage terror"

Eh. What! Can't say as I noticed.

Must remember not to panic!

Pimp my office: 10 cubicle comforts


Re: Shock, horror, gasp etc

New Model M Keyboards can be had here:-


Made by Unicomp who bought the rights to the 'Buckling Spring' design of the original Model M.

Apple: Now that you've updated to iOS 7... YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK


Quote: 'However, this doesn't seem to have affected the success of the latest operating system, which Apple claimed was the "fastest software upgrade in history".'

Public Relations at it's fastest spin.

Having an operating system that is the 'fastest software upgrade in history' does not make it a success. It just means lots of people clicked the button to upgrade when the Phone/iTunes told them there was update to the operating system.

Apple iOS 7 makes some users literally SICK. As in puking, not upset


Re: Cliche

"They're holding it wrong"

No. They're looking at it in the wrong way.

Rotten Apple iOS 7 fury: Glitchy audio or is today's music really that bad?


"But fans of the new flat design claim it turns iThings into an entirely new product."

Something like a Fisher Price Toy then?

MPs: This paperless health service plan isn't worth the paper it isn't written on


£10 Billion...

And of course the NHS will have to make more cuts in services to save the £10 Billion that has been wasted by successive governments.

One Word: F**kwits

WIN a RockBLOCK Iridium satellite comms module


Not Playing...

I'm not playing anymore. I'm taking my ball (and NIPPLE) home. Hmmfff!

I spent aged playing with my NIPPLE getting it just right. What's wrong with my NIPPLE?

Besides it's not just a bodily organ you know...


Hmmff and double Hmmff.

In case of LOHAN flight emergency, gobble THIS Iridium-Arduino sandwich


Oooh Errr. NIPPLE

Network Integrated Plane Permanent Launch Equipment

or NIPPLE for short.

Mystery object falls from sky, area sealed off by military: 'Weather balloon', say officials


Re: released from Where?

"Do they really expect me to believe there is a place called Wallop's Island?"


Right next door to 'Ballast Narrows' and just up from 'Womans Bay'.

And not to mention 'Bogues Bay'. oops! sorry shouldn't have metioned that.

Beam me up? Not in the life of this universe


"Human flight is fine; it's the landing that's problematic."

The art of flying is to launch yourself at the ground and miss.

It usually helps if you get distracted at the last possible moment and therefore forget to hit the ground.

UK.gov finally admits it will MISS superfast broadband target


Re: No shit.

"TV broadcasters do not use consumer broadband. I don't doubt fibre was installed, but it wouldn't have been any use to people at home wanting better broadband."

Doesn't matter. Fibre is Fibre. Just put the right hardware on each end to make it consumer broadband. Make good use of what has already been put into the ground. Complete waste of money to lay the cable then rip it up again.

Telly psychics fail to foresee £12k fine for peddling nonsense


I already knew it....

I already read this article in my crystal ball yesterday. Yesterdays new for me.

I told you I'd be back: Arnie set for another career revival


Re: Getting on a bit

Senatogen 9 Millilitres!

Happy 23rd birthday, Windows 3.0


Re: How many hours wasted?

"I'd you'd copied the floppies to hard drive, install took less than a minute on a slowish 286 with 1Mb memory!"

I'd forgotten that we used to do that. Certainly did make it faster and you could leave it chugging away unattended and come back later. Often set several of them going at the same time when rolling out new hardware.


How many hours wasted?

I remember installing Windows 3.0 from 5.25" floppy disc. It took quite a while to install.

Although installing Windows for Workgroups 3.11 from 3.5" floppies sometimes took upto 2 hours to install.

Installing Windows95 from CD was a giant leap forward.

New 4TB drive spaffs half a telly season into your eyes AT ONCE


Re: the rustling of small leaves.

"I can't tell you how long I've known that word and waited for the chance to idly throw it into a conversation."

Why can't you tell us? Have you forgotten? has it been that long? :-)