* Posts by Finnish Anonymous Coward

11 publicly visible posts • joined 20 May 2013

Microsoft's do-it-all IDE Visual Studio 2022 came out late last year. How good is it really?

Finnish Anonymous Coward


I've tried JetBrains Rider on Linux. Seems to work mostly quite well, on .NET-core projects. Not so much on the old Windows-only old framework projects.Community version is also available, although I've got a paid license. Worth trying and testing, it might work for you or then not.I'm not affiliated with the company, although I like them a lot. Because they've got their origins in Europe, former Czechoslovakia, nowadays Czech Republic, and the headquarters are in Prague.Someone could now guess that I'm an European and don't like much American companies over-dominance.

Facebook may soon reveal new name – we're sure Reg readers will be more creative than Zuck's marketroids

Finnish Anonymous Coward


Nothing works any more. Who decided that redundant systems should become redundant?

Finnish Anonymous Coward


Once again, very entertaining read. Yours, now fully Frenchified, including surname, "Jean Samson Fulbert Alix".

Your private data has been nabbed: Please update your life as soon as possible while we deflect responsibility

Finnish Anonymous Coward


Wikipedia gives several different meanings for boilermaker. But the name Alistair is clearly of scottish origin, so I'd guess that's the correct meaning in this case. Also, it would be the best fit for a situation you described.

Helsinki Syndrome: Ubuntu utterly fails to boot on metro

Finnish Anonymous Coward

Haven't seen those lately. Although a year working remotely and not even having the courage to step into that metro might have something to to with it. A few years ago those kind of sights where quite common on every metro station. but that's another case. They were actually testing something related to the west extension of our practically single metro line. Not everything went smoothly, but it was only a few weeks. Since then, the only bork I've seen was at my nearest metro station, but everything was so messed up that it was totally impossible to even guess the operating system responsible for it from that garble on the screen.

Move aside, Technoking: All hail the Sweat Master and his many inspirational job titles

Finnish Anonymous Coward

Re: Uptitling

Someone who actually does something and fixes things -> Head of Monkey Herd

(yes, I HAVE asked Head of Development to change my title to that one)

Fraudster convicted of online banking thefts using… whatever the hell this thing is

Finnish Anonymous Coward

A bit scary...

...that nobody at el Reg noticed that their laboratory testing equipment was stolen.

Decision time for AI: Sometimes accuracy is not your friend

Finnish Anonymous Coward

Not willing to go to the actual mathematics behind, but starting with the first case.

First, let's suppose I'm a male wanting to buy a surprise birthday present dress to my spouse. What would be the consequences of tagging me wrongly?

Second, let's suppose I'm a male transvestite wanting to buy a not-so-surprise birthday present dress to myself and keep it very secret from my spouse. What would be the consequences of tagging me wrongly?

As a side note, I'm a male, not transvestite, not buying birthday presents to anyone (except occasionally to my mother), and single because of being too cynic/sarcastic/feeling fine alone/impossible to get along with/misanthrope/etc. possible causes.

Graphene is actually self-folding origami, proclaim physicists

Finnish Anonymous Coward

Just a note

That thing in the picture looks quite a lot like the symbol for an old-fashioned transistor. Ok, base has been shifted from left to right, and there's no circle around the formation.

Post-pub nosh neckfiller: Fancy a ham and cheese 'dry tree trunk' sarnie?

Finnish Anonymous Coward

I'm somewhat disappointed not yet having seen a recipe for tartiflette in this series. Could the Special/Secret Operations Bureau think of considering of might adding it to their plate?

Rogue Nokia splinter cell drops its Jolla phone A-BOMB

Finnish Anonymous Coward

Re: Ota tuo, vihreä robotti Google!

Fascinating to find something written in finnish here. But, I have to slightly correct both the headline and the translation. It should be, in my opinion, "Ota turpaas, sä vihree Google-robotti" (that was approximately how it should be said in my local dialect) / "Take that, [you] green Google robot!". [you] is strongly implied in my native language, and quite often also written or said too. Although, it is also very often replaced with a four-letter or seven-letter word beginning with f.

Going to pre-order a Jolla.