Bye bye Chrome :-)
After recently installing a Chrome "uprgade" I got a completely unnecessary and intrusive browser message on my still XP happy eeePc saying that Chrome will no longer support updates for XP.
I wasn't aware that Chrome ever updated anything except in a new release. The sole purpose of the latest one seems to have been made in to present XP users with this croc of bull message.
The answer - I downgraded to an older version of Chrome and disabled updates - it works better anyway and still allows you to set your own options ;-)
On my other XP machines (yes shudder you WinTennies, I have more than one) I deleted Chrome and put Vivaldi on them (A.K.A. Opera that works like it used too). Can't say I'm shedding any tears for Chrome.
No doubt I will receive comments - the usual Chick Licken hand-wringing about how the sky is going to fall in if I don't immediately put Win 10 on my machines - or even more patronisingly LOL about how my machines are already compromised without me even knowing about it. I mean how do you reply to wood heads of that persuasion? :-)
All I can say is that I'm writing this on a 2ghz pentium M Thinkpad that has been up and running for 12yrs+ on XP pro without a reinstall. There's no substitute for good house keeping and secure practices no matter what your OS. So when all you WinTennies have to stump up for your quarterly MS bill just for the privilege of using a piss poor OS and its rubbish office apps I promise I won't say I told you so...
Oh! a farewell is in order. Bye bye Chrome & thanks for all the fish :-)