Everyone is the administrator now!
I did a short stint at a car maker about 20 years ago (the one shortly to leave Swindon...) where the IT director had directed that no-one was to have administrator rights given to their normal user account as this was insecure, which to be fair is quite correct. However, there were about 100 developers working there. It was really not practical (time, people and knowledge all being in short supply) to think that these devs would be able to provide the list of granular rights and permissions they needed for every project, and anyway the necessary rights and permissions changed fairly frequently.
The IT director said that the devs should submit their request for whatever they wanted to do to the IT support team and they would do what needed to be done. Asking a bunch of basic IT support bods to do developery things just made messes and the overall problem was then even worse as these messes had to be cleaned up. The devs were under massive pressure all the time to release working things and the upshot of this situation was that in the end about 100% of the developers knew the domain admin UID and password. This ensured that all changes on all systems were totally untraceable to whomever had actually made them. Something I pointed out and advised that it would be better to give the devs local admin rights on all servers, then at least we could track those changes against individuals and the devs couldn't bugger up the AD. Did they pay any attention? No, of course not. They changed the domain admin password, which fixed the problem for possibly a whole hour.
What a nightmare that place was. They also used a Windows PC to do a nightly FTP transfer from a mainframe in the Netherlands, and the downloaded files would periodically and unpredictably be unusable. This mystery had been around for ages before I was asked to take a look and quickly found that they did not know that an EBCDIC to ASCII conversion was taking place during the transfer and even more quickly found that the default conversion in the FTP client was not quite right.