* Posts by raytaylor

5 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2013

Nice NBN rival you built there. What a shame if someone taxed it


Re: Or another idea

THIS ^^^^

I have seen backhaul quotes from telstra to an exchange in a remote town of 50 houses being upwards of $1000 per month for 10mbits

nbn™ switches on first Telstra HFC-powered broadband services


Done in NZ already

Saturn did this in New Zealand in the 90's. You used to be able to order internet from a number of wholesale operators on the HFC network owned by Saturn, then TelstraClear, then Vodafone in NZ since the late 90s

Don't split Openreach, says BT, and we'll splash BEELLIONS on broadband and 4G


I live in NZ. If you look at Chorus which seperated from Telecom NZ around 2007 and owns the lines/exchanges, they pretty much stopped all investment in the network. Their wholesale access pricing is regulated and so nothing gets invested into the network unless the government gives them grants. End of story.

So the UK government can either

- regulate pricing and threaten separation as a means to encourage self reinvestment

- separate them and the taxpayers can pay for all investment.

Broadband powered by home gateways? Whose bright idea was THIS?


Use the spare copper from the exchange

12 pairs of 24 AWG copper wire can carry 80 watts over 5kms if each pair carried 96 volts at 100milliamps.

So if they are running fibre to a roadside node, the now unused copper going back to the local telephone exchange can deliver the power for the remote DSLAM

That is enough to easily run a mini-dslam and a few repeaters along the way. Using DSL over each of those pairs, and just a single repeater, allows them to bring a shared 120mbits down / 10mbit up. At the remote cabinet, the mini DSLAM can share that amongst 12 or more subscriber lines. If VDSL is used on the remote subscriber lines then they can be short and super fast, or if ADSL2 is used, they can be long and reach further out into rural areas another 3+ kms.

If two repeaters are used along the path, the shared capacity rises to 180mbits which is more suited to shorter lines at the far end so they can take advantage of that backhaul capacity.

FTTN cabinet survives Kiwi car crash


Re: No cabinet, no problem

New Zealand is currently building a fibre to the home network to 80% of its residents.

There are active FTTH cabinets in the streets being built which can still be easily hit. They are half the size of this ADSL/VDSL cabinet.

Optical splitters are in roadside pedestals.