Re: ICO web site down?
Would you Adam and Eve it - I had to write an article on GDPR this morning so I noticed! Grrrr. It came back about an hour ago.
28 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2007
I can see it now, or rather hear it. Railway carriages, cafes and offices, all full of wankers shouting at their PCs, even louder than they already do at mobile phones:
"No, I said 'science', not 'seance' you stupid bloody thing!" No -- don't write that! I said don't -- aaaaaaaargh!!"
Bang, crash, PC out the window. Maybe it is a good idea after all.
There's actually nothing wrong with "I still run into..."
It's the rest of the sentence that's problematic. A bit of punctuation would help because It's not clear who's asking the question, people or kids. Without a few commas to help out he's also saying that weekends have kids.
It should be "kids who", not "kids that" as well.
It's much better than the first sentence. But, as many people have pointed out, we know what he means so does it really matter?
Assuming they paid peanuts for the brand all they have to do is replicate one of their existing websites and add 'Woolies' to the systems the call centres use to service all their brands.
One very cheap extra outlet, trade on the name until it falls into disrepair and then get shot. Quite astute really. Only thing is of course that they just made a shed load of call centre employees redundant, maybe they'll need some back....
"The fuss was justified from the perspective that this is an impactful finding that has the potential to bring down the internet," said Nitesh Dhanjani, a senior manager at Ernst & Young.
Impactful?! Can't they hire people who can speak properly at these corporations?
It's the death of the American Language as we know it......
The young lady does indeed seem to have a problem with her hand, almost as though it had been grafted on at some point.
Also, and this is not necessarily unrelated, I am also a little concerned that the PC appears to throw no shadow, much like the vampirical undead of legend.
Could it be that Vlad the Impaler has been reborn with a Linux operating system?
We must be told! To the castle!
"The 12 million number had already been cut in January from between 13 million and 15 million",
I think not. The 12 million number was the result of a cut, not one which had been cut. The number that had been cut was the unidentified number that lay somewhere between 13 million and 15 million.
Yours, Brigadier Stonkington-Smythe, (retd)