Nice to see the BOFH is still up to the useual...
May he continue to 'trust users to trust him' for many more years!
84 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2007
I think that perhaps one of the best ways to cut emissions is whenever cows are inside buildings, to make these buildings sealed in such a way that methane will collect at the top of the roof, where it can be periodically burnt off or even collected for use in cars or methane power plants. Outside, large polythene tents [to allow the light in] stretched over fields could serve a similar purpose. Obviously this would increase the temperature inside the tent, which would decrease the amount of food the cows need because the ambient temperature would be closer to body temperature lessening the energy needed to be expended on heat. THis would decrease the amount of gas produced and an equilibrium would quickly be reached.
The Microsoft-Bing-Decision-Engine™ is rolling into town!!!
soon the MBDE-police will be breaking down your doors and ripping out your googles and replacing them with bings!
To make a Bing-Decision-Engine stew you will need;
* 5 cups of BING! - (the soap you can believe in!)
* One monkey brain (if this is not available an Android[oops, careful!] I mean... cybernetic life-form Decision-Engine will suffice)
* A bag of bollocks so large it will leave the entire population of Munich as Eunuchs!
Mix it together and what have you got? bippity, boppity boo! A BING! Decision-Engine for you!
Yes, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but then neither does Microsoft....
You want to give the BOFH MORE power? Madness, madness I tell you. That guy has been haunting my life for far too long. I just hope and pray that he doesn't see me writi-
[BOFH-DOS: This luser has performed an illegal operation and has been terminated.]
To be British today is to embrace the multicultural, multifaith nature of our citizens and residents. Life here has been enriched so much by the mix of cultures and languages, I would hate to have missed out on that. One of the things I like about the group of friends I have is that very mix of cultures, languages and faiths. This country would be terribly boring without them... In addition to which, many of them use their rights as citizens of the EU to move freely within the constituent countries. I appreciate the opportunity to choose where I live, and see no reason why the same should not be applied bilaterally. To be British is to be welcoming, and to be European is to rejoice in diversity. In varietate concordia!
Here endeth the lesson...
I am all in favour if this, (mind you, I am a veggie for health reasons, not animal welfare per-say [oh, and I don't give a monkeys for this so-called 'global-warming' malarky, sounds like a kettle of old fish to me... which brings me back to my main point...]) , why not recycle things that would otherwise go to waste? seems sound to me.
Why would anyone need a higher speed on iPlayer? The high quality setting on my admittedly small (AA1 small) looks as good as on TV, and the normal quality is really watch-able. I remember watching TV that flickered and was in B/W (no, I am not that old, its just our reception used to be that poor!) BBC iPlayer is great how it is, and I have an unlimited contract with my ISP and so far they have always honoured it. I am almost always on Youtube or iPlayer, as often are one or two others in my household. If my ISP, (AOL in case you were wondering, and yes I know they have had bad press but they really are exceptional [providing you have no need for tech support, which I tried to use once before giving up and researching the answer myself] but other than that, no downtime, fast speed) can do it, why cant the others?
When I saw this I had to do a double take, it looks JUST LIKE the aspire one I am writing this on (Linux, natch). I am surprised Acer are not suing. (and its amazing how quickly you get used to using the weird side trackpad buttons and the 600 height screen on an AA1...) In summary, I would not buy this if it came with a free cruise missile... then again....
I for one, after first, as the title denotes, thinking "OMFG" actually quite like the new layout. I am currently using an AA1 so the width is suitable. I suspect I may be slightly less pleased later on when I use a widescreen but its nothing i'll lose sleep over. The icons are a bit disappointing, but ill live with it, maybe we could have some new ones sent in by Reg readers (presuming there are any left after this little act). I mean, what were you thinking El Reg, to spring this on your unsuspecting readers? Some of them do not like change, especially unforewarned change. Nevermind, onwards and upwards...
It's just not the British way to pay to receive a call, most of us are used to answering all calls and then if its a wrong number telling someone so, so that they dont keep calling thinking it is the right number. that saves us ALL money. in any case why change it? I am quite happy with my current PAYG phone. If PAYG phones are out of credit they can still be called and that is good for parents who give their children mobiles. Additionally, in the US, a lot of local calls are free, if this was so here, then maybe it would be ok, but i would prefer not to change, I don't want number portability!
I don't know why this article was written, I can only imagine it was to piss off loyal reg readers who don't like the idea.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading through your article, I have often wondered how deep the rabbit hole goes, as it were, with these viruses. I have never had the time to do it myself, so thank you for a most interesting walkthrough, One point though, you say the rest of the dialogues were well written but in all of them my eye spotted at least one spelling mistake or grammatical error [often missing conjunctives such as 'the']. (I'm sure the more obsessive-compulsive of the Reg readership will sympathise with me, as I am sure they do when reading BOFH, with it's frequent mistakes [but then it is written by the BOFH, isn't it? He is clearly not the type to niggle.])
I must also say, for the sake of scores, I am writing this from an Aspire One (in blue).
Or does the 'the future first Japanese owner of the iPhone 3G' seem to be wearing very strange trousers?
iPhone? who wants that? Back in my day we had a cup attached to a piece of string attached to another cup. And we made do. And you know what? we got much better reception back in them days...
The Google my location service does not work on my handset, which would explain why I managed to get lost walking round Portsmouth and end up 4 miles from where I was supposed to be.
I hope this works, would be amazingly useful for me, I think in the mean time though I may have to purchase GPS...
yes ok, its outdated... but I challenge Reg readers to find a replacement that works as well as that. ... oh the hours of fun we used to have with degauss back in the day...
"I need to use that computer for a minute"
"I'm busy working, come back later"
"Ah, but this one is broken, [click] see? you gonna fix it are you?"
"uhh... no, I'm too busy. I'll come back later, you fix it..."
ahh... memories...
Excellent story this week!
I to, decided to wait for the war to end, but I don't think it is quite over yet, just because an article says so. After all, who died and made El Reg supreme dictator? YES, Toshiba are pulling out, but there may be some life left in the old HD_DVD war horse yet. Whatever the case, I REFUSE to use the name "blu-ray" so to me they will always be HD-DVDs, It's natural progression in naming.
*somewhere over the skies of 2003 America*
"Marty, stop fiddling with that useless futuristic game this instant and help me land the De Lorean."
*Marty drops the Wii out of the window of the De Lorean while struggling with the flux capacitor*
And there you have it folks! That is how some very lucky kid got a Wii in 2003.
I noticed that this is a vegan, and the original article concerned vegetarians. Now, I realise this could still be veggie, as technically the diet we most associate with 'vegetarian' is in fact ovo-lacto vegetarianism, e.g. including eggs and dairy products. This being the case, the original article states that egg white gives the most protein absorption, so someone like me, who is an ovo-lacto vegetarian, and gets enough eggs, butter, cheese, milk should have no problems.
"The critical updates affect ... and Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac. ... Affected systems are those running Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003"
hmm, so microsoft are fixing things that are not broken... hmm, we know how that goes, don't we? I mean, they "fixed" XP really well with Vista, OH yes...
"Still, unlike the BOFH not to spot an opportunity here. Surely he would be setting up a company like Carbon Analysis Support Holdings (or its friendly acronym for the cheques) and making a mint out of the boss?"
Hilarious! you should be writing these! "oh, just make it out to C...A...S...H"